💜hang out with me!💙

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Owner 2's note-
I am so sorry for this story. I am so sorry for the people who read this and didn't expect what's to come. This story was made by owner 1 of this account, so don't hold me accountable. You have been warned. Save yourself is you have a pure heart. Do not lose it to this story

Kokichi pov:

'Hmmm.. what should I do today?..I could tease someone! No..I did that yesterday. umm.. Oh! I could hang out with saihara-chan~!' I ran to the dining hall to see if he was there, he was. "Saihara-channn~~!!" I ran over to him but kaito stood up and got in the way of me jumping into his arms.

"What do you want?" Kaito looked down at me "well..I just wanna hang out with saihara-chan!-" I responded cheerfully. "Me and Maki-roll are with him right now so he doesn't want to hang out with you." Kaito had a long response, I had trouble keeping up. "So..you don't wanna hang out with me and that means he doesn't want to either? Got it, your controlling what he feels!" Kaito looked at me shocked and looked back at shuichi "No! He doesn't want to be with you, right sidekick?!"

Shuichi didn't do or say anything, meaning he wants to hang out with me!! This is so exciting! I squealed and ran closer to him to grab his hand Shuichi yelped not knowing who grabbed his hand, he looked up at me and saw my eyes, then calmed down.

"Sorry, wanna go to my dorm, kokichi..?" I nodded quickly and dragged him to his dorm.

Sorry this is a short chapter I did this when I was supposed to be asleep lol.

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