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Shuichi pov:

Maki, Kaito and I were talking in the hallway one day when out of nowhere someone came up behind me and hugged me tightly, I jumped and looked down at the hands that were around me, of course, it was kokichi.

"shumaiii.." he sounded tired, like he had been crying

"y-yes, kokichi? is something wrong?" I turned my head to look at him, he was hiding his face in my back, telling me something was defiantly wrong. "Kokichi, do you want to go to my dorm to talk?" I asked, he quickly nodded and I waved to Maki and Kaito.

I crouched down so kokichi could jump on my back, he usually likes doing that when he's upset, he jumped on my back and I grabbed his legs so he wouldn't fall when we were walking

Once we were at my dorm I opened the door and walked over to my bed, letting kokichi get of my back and onto the bed, I still didn't know what was wrong.

"Ko, what's wrong?" I looked at him

"miu.." he sounded like he couldn't breathe, or he hadn't been breathing.

"what did she do to you" I was worried, really worried..

"she told me that..y-you-" he was holding back tears "s-she said that.. y-you don't love me.."

"ko..of course I love you.. why would she say that..?" I looked him in the eyes

"C-cause I said..*SNIFF* I said she was a slut.." he giggled quietly

I looked at him and smiled, "your natural giggle is so cute, I really do love you, kokichi." I patted his head and kissed him on the lips

"mm I'm tired, goodnight shumaiii~" he fell asleep on my bed.. hes adorable.

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