🐱Motive. pt 1🐶

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Nobody pov:

Monokuma called everyone to the gym because he had a new motive, for two specific students.

When everyone got there

"Puhuhuhu! Hello students! I have a new motive for Shuichi and Kokichi only!" Monokuma told the students.

"Huh!? Why shuichi?!" Kaito yelled, Maki behind him. "Because, Without shuichi, kokichi would be helpless!" Everyone looked at Kokichi. "Huh?" Kokichi was confused, with a good reason too.

"Oh yeah!! I forgot to say what the motive was, it's a pregame motive, Shuichi and Kokichi will turn into themselves before the game, this might help or ruin the trials might I add." Monokuma jumped off the stage and pushed the two into a small room with a machine in it.

There was a bright flash and monokuma opened the door, Kokichi and Shuichi walked out slowly and carefully.

"Uhm.." Shuichi said looking around, "w-where are we..?" Kokichi was holding his hands in front of his chest and shuichi was standing infront of kokichi.

Everyone ran to them and started asking questions. Kaito asked "Shuichi! Are you okay?!" Shuichi looked at him confused "of course I am..also get away from me, you look like an old man." Shuichi backed up showing kokichi scared.

Everyone looked at kokichi very confused then Miu started laughing at him "HOL-HAHAHAH HOLY SHIT HES- PFFFFT HE LOOKS LIKE A TWINK!" kokichi started shaking and shuichi glared at her, then she got scared.
"E-Eek! Sorry!" She ran out of the room a few people following her

Shuichi looked at kokichi and smiled creepily, then he saw monokuma. "*Gasp* OH MY GOD! LOOK KOKICHI ITS MONOKUMA- DOES THIS MEAN..WE GOT IN!" kokichi smiled slightly at shuichi fangirling over monokuma.

"Alright, Alright! I know I'm a bear but I'm not a teddy bear! Let go!" Monokuma shouted as shuichi picked him up, "ah, sorry! I just got super excited." Shuichi put monokuma down

"u-uhm.." kokichi stuttered, "what is it kid?" Monokuma looked at him, making shuichi look too. "a-are we really in d-danganronpa..?" Kokichi asked quietly, "Yup! Now, go explore, I need to find out who's killin' who." Monokuma started walking away.

"Isn't this exciting, kokichi? Our dream, it came true! Now we can kill everyone together and survive~!" Shuichi grabbed kokichis hands and started spinning him around.

"S-shuichi please stop s-spinning me.." "aw, finee~ let's go find our dorms and decide who's gonna stay in who's." Shuichi walked to the door still holding kokichis hand

"S-Shouldnt we both stay in our own d-dorms..?" Kokichi looked up at shuichi, "well, what if someone tries killing one of us while we're in our own dorms, alone? You don't want me to die, do you?" Shuichi kept staring infront of him

"N-no! O-of course not.." kokichi looked at the ground quickly.

Once they were at shuichis dorm

"Hm, my bed seems to be a little bigger than yours, but that makes sense, your very small." Shuichi smirked while staring at his bed

"I-I am not small.." kokichi blushed and rubbed his arm

Shuichi looked down at kokichi probably imagining what he would do to him if they were on the bed together right now (like the pervert he is 🤨)

"kokichi~" shuichi grabbed kokichis hands again

"y-yes, s-saihara-kun..?" Kokichi looked up at shuichi smiling slightly

Shuichi smirked at kokichi and leaned down to him

"s-saihara-kun.?" Kokichi blushed

"Oh kokichi~.. your too cute and innocent, as much as I would like to ruin that Innocence of yours, I can't..not yet at least~" shuichi said because I forgot to put lemons in the title and I don't wanna go all the way back up

"w-what does that mean, saihara-kun?" Kokichi looked at the ground blushing a bit more

"Ah..~ fine..I guess I'll show you~"


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