💜BET (part 3)💙

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Shuichi pov:

Tsumugi, kaede and Miu walked into kokichis room holding the outfits tsumugi had just finished, to see me holding kokichi tightly and Kokichi crying and blushing..

"Ouma-kun! Are you alright?!" Kaede yelled and ran to us.

"h-huh.. oh right...y-yeah I'm fineee! All of this touchy shit was just a lie! Nishishi~" Kokichi and I both knew he was lying.

I let kokichi go to look at what the three girls wanted to show us, kokichi following

"oh hum..! here's the outfits!" Tsumugi showed us the outfits we were going to wear then threw kaedes outfit at me and a miu one at kokichi

"ah, these are the ones we're going to wear, tsumugi?" I asked

"Mhm! now go put them on!" Tsumugi pushed us both in the bathroom

"thank you, saihara-chan" kokichi said in a soft voice

"For what?" I looked down at the smaller male

"for not telling them I was really crying" he replied, looking at the ground

"oh..of course, kokichi" I smiled at him

"Now, I guess we have to change together" his voice changed back to his normal playful voice

I smiled then started un-buttoning my shirt, causing kokichi to blush, "SHUICHI SAIHARA! DONT DO THAT!" he started hitting me

"Do what?" I looked at him confused

"I- YOUR- AGHHHH" Kokichi groaned and blushed more

I smiled, "You can look if you want, I don't mind" his face was as red as a tomato

"WHEN DID YOU GET ALL THIS CONFIDENCE?!" He covered his face and kneeled to the ground

I laughed and continued un-buttoning my shirt, I took my shirt off and he ran out of the bathroom, I heard "SAIHARA-CHAN IS TOO HOT" I laughed and blushed

Five minutes later I was in kaede's outfit, I walked out of the bathroom, "You can change now, kokichi" I smiled at him

"..." Kokichi looked at me and blushed, he walked into the bathroom

About 8 minutes later he called me, while he was still in there "SAIHARA-CHANNN!!" I walked into the bathroom to see him struggling to put this thing on

Can someone please tell me what this thing is?)     ↓

I laughed a bit and walked over to him, he was sitting on the counter, "h-help

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I laughed a bit and walked over to him, he was sitting on the counter, "h-help.." he stuttered, embarrassed about asking me to help him put clothes on

"Of course, you baby" I patted his head and laughed

"Y'know what, I think I'm just gonna go get amami-chan to help me!" He attempted to get off the counter, but since I was right infront of him he just jumped into me

"kokichi.." I got jealous, he looked up at me, blushing


"I dont want you to go to rantaro." I looked at him seriously

"Aww is poor baby saihara-chan jealous~?" He said playfully

"Yes." I got him back on the counter then walked to the door and locked it

"Saihara-chan?" He looked at me confused as I walked back to him

"can I.." I put one of my fingers on his neck

"Can you what?" He asked, obviously knowing what I wanted.

"i wanna kiss.." I said softly, still stroking his neck

He blushed and yelled, "K-KISS?! S-SHUMAI!" He looked shocked, I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine, I grabbed his waist and he blushed even more

"can I..?"

kokichi nodded his head slowly, then muttered "fine you big teddy bear" I laughed and Kissed his forehead " aww I thought you were gonna kiss me on my neckkkk" he teased

To be continued next chapter cause uh smut (?)

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