🌧️😺sadness before cosplays🐶🌧

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Kokichi pov:

I was getting ready to go to shirogane-san's house cause she invited me and Saihara over to cosplay with her.

Once I was done getting everything I walked out of my room.

I thought, 'oh, I should probably say bye to Nagito and Mikan before I go-' but then I remembered that they left to participate in Danganronpa..just like Celeste, my oldest sister.

I sighed and began to open the door, not saying anything to my parents, cause I texted that I'm going out earlier.

But then I heard heavy footsteps coming closer to me, i stopped opening the door

"What are you doing." I heard a low voice say, it was my father

"oh..I'm..going out to hang out with friends..." I said trying not to cry, my father scared me.

My father took a step closer to me, "Who said you could go?"

Then my mother walked in and said, " I did, I hope that's alright with you, honey." My father looked at her

"Of course you did." He looked back at me, then there was a knock at the door.

"Hello?" It was Saihara, "Sorry, I hope I'm not interupting anything..I just came to pick ouma-kun up since he can't drive.." he walked in looking at my father, he was obviously scared, but didn't show it.

"g-goodbye father.." I stuttered

Saihara looked down at me and smiled, "Goodbye sir and ma'am!" Saihara waved to them and we both walked out

"So, ouma-chan, why did your dad get sooo mad when you tried to go out?" Saihara asked while we were walking to his car

He opened the car door for me, I stayed silent. I got into the car and so did he.

Saihara looked at me again,

"mhm..?" I looked out the window

Saihara looked at my arms, "your wearing a t-shirt, I've never seen you in one of those!" Shuichi looked back at my eyes, noticing the first thing he said made me uncomfortable

"is that a compliment..?" I asked looking back at him

"Hmm..Yup! I only ever compliment you" Saihara winked at me, causing me to blush slightly

"K, do you remember where Tsu's house is?" Saihara started the car

"tsu..?" I looked at the ground, putting my seatbelt on

"Oh, yeah! I have a nickname for almost everyone! Oh by the way, I just noticed, I don't know a lot about you." Shuichi started moving the car, and soon enough we were speeding down my neighborhood

I looked up, "hm..I guess nobody really knows a lot about anyone until they go through what they're going through."

Saihara looked at me quickly then back to the road, "koki..is that a good nickname? or.. Kichi. hmm maybe ko!"

I blushed, "t-thats a lot of names.. What are some other nicknames you have for other people..?"

"Hmm, Theres Tsu and shiro for tsumugi, kai for kaito, haru for maki, iru for miu, shira for tenko.." Saihara stopped talking because he heard a sound from my phone. I looked at my phone that was in my lap and picked it up

"oh, it is a message from shirogane-san. Its her address" I read the message quickly and looked at saihara

"c-could I give you a nickname..?" I looked back at the ground and blushed, I never felt this way before so I didn't know what was happening..

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