saiouma reading a fanfic

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3rd person pov:

*Not the fanfiction part*

"SHUICHIIII!!!!!" kokichi called shuichi into his dorm

"Please don't tell me your stuck again.." Shuichi ran into the room, worried

"Not this timeee~~~" Kokichi was sitting on his bed, shuichi walked closer to him nervously. "I found a story about us!" Kokichi patted a spot next to him, gesturing for shuichi to sit down. Shuichi sat down and looked at kokichis monopad

"what site are you on?" Shuichi looked at the top left corner "'Wattpad'? Kokichi what is this" Shuichi was very obviously worried

"Its a story site! People even write about us and our classmates!! Isn't that soo cool? We're famousss!! Wanna read one of our stories together?" Kokichi said, excitedly

"Sure..I have nothing better to do anyway." Shuichi shrugged.

"Okayyy~! Hmmm" Kokichi scrolled through a whole page of stories about them, "Woahhh! Let's read this one! '🍋I'm unoriginal and don't wanna come up with a name🍋'! It sounds good!" Kokichi clicked on the story and went to the first chapter

'Kokichi pov:

H-H-Hi....I'm k-k-kokichi o-o-ouma.. i-i-i h-have a b-b-boyfriend named s-s-sh-shuichi s-saihara...i-i-i call him s-sh-shumai th-though........'

"..what is this.." kokichi stared at the words that were on his screen in terror

"I..." Shuichi scrolled down to read more

'S-sh-shumai is s-seven foot t-t-ten and h-hes an al-alpha......I-Im just a b-baby n-neko uwu'


"SHUT UP SHUICHI" kokichi scrolled down more

'S-shumai and i-i have s-s-sex ev-everyday, h-he al-always m-makes m-me not b-be ab-able to w-walk on my o-own fo-for a f-few d-days'

"Shuichi. Have we been having sex and I didn't know about it?" Kokichi kept looking at the screen in horror

"I'm-" shuichi covered his face and fell back onto the bed

'"Hey baby" Th-thats sh-shum-shumai"'

"I HATE THIS! WE'RE NOT READING THIS!" kokichi yelled, shuichi grabbed the monopad and scrolled down

'S-shuma-shumai g-g-g-grabbed m-m-me and l-l-l-lif-lifted u-u-up m-m-my s-sk-skirt, h-h-he pu-pulled d-d-down m-m-my bo-boxers a-and h-h-h-his p-p-pants an-d b-boxers the-then i-in-insterted h-h-himse-himself i-into m-m-me'

"w-what.." shuichi showed kokichi the screen

kokichi grabbed the monopad and threw it across the room, smashing it into peices, "Oh noo! now we can't finish it, that sucks"

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