🌧️waiting game (PART 2)🌧️

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TW: mention of eating disorders
Kokichi pov:
A few hours after the last chapter

"Ughhh! Where did Monokuma hide those things? I hate him." I groaned

"u-uhm oma-kun" Saihara grabbed my shoulder and pointed at something, or someone

I looked up from the ground to see Miu holding my music disc that I asked monokuma to hide two days earlier.

I was shocked, I didn't know what emotion I was feeling..I never really understood emotion, So I acted happy, or somewhat normal.

"I-" I didn't know what to say

Miu and kaede ran up to us

Miu laughed and yelled "We win! You ugly boys lose!"

I looked up at her then to the ground. I wasn't used to losing games, I only have one or two times.. but this felt, different.
Maybe I was just..pitying myself? I need to wear a skirt now..

"no that's not it.." i accidentally said out loud

"Ah sorry-" why did I say that? I never apologize..I feel weak. I'll just go back to my dorm and wait for Tsumugi to finish making the outfits.

"Are you alright, oma-kun?" Kaede, Miu and shuichi looked somewhat worried, but I just ignored the two girls.

"Yup! F-fine Saihara-ku- I mean chan.." God what is wrong with me today..?

Shuichi grabbed my hands

"Are you feeling okay? Are you sick? Do you want me to help you back to your room? I can-" Saihara was bum-barding me with questions

"SHUMAI!" I yelled, hoping to get him to stop trying to take care of me

"I'm fine..I think" I muttered that last part under my breath

"ah..sorry, but..could I walk you back to your dorm..? I wanna talk with you, alone.." Saihara looked away blushing a bit

"mhm.. sure shumai..." I felt light headed, but tried not to stutter, not wanting to worry the tall detective more.

We walked away from the two taller girls, they looked slightly worried.

"Damn, maybe he's horny?" I heard Miu say as we walked away, I stopped to look at her

"I'm not you, iruma" I rolled my eyes and kept walking away with Saihara.

Once we were at my dorm I took my shoes off, making Saihara do the same, I looked at him and smiled, but not my 'i wanna murder you' smile, my 'omfg please marry me' smile.

"so ouma-kun.. I wanted to know why you haven't been at breakfast or dinner since the game started." Saihara's voice turned stern.

I was shocked and sat on my bed, I looked at the ground. Should I tell him..?

"I..-" I wanted to tell him. I really really wanted to tell him, but I couldn't even look at him.

"ouma-kun, it's okay if you don't want to tell me. I understand if it's something personal-"

I cut Saihara off by wiping the tears from my eyes before they could fall, hoping he didn't see.

"ouma..? are you crying..? I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you cry..!" Saihara rushed over to me to hug me but I looked up at him before he could.

"shum- shuichi..I-I have an eating disorder..it's called A-anorexia nervosa.." I tried not to stutter that much, while still holding back tears.

"ouma-kun.." Saihara stood and stared at me for a while, then pulled me into a tight embrace. I hugged him back and my door opened..god does nobody in this game knock?

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