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“I broke my promise.” Tears streamed down his cheeks endlessly. “She lost her life while saving me, only for me to choose a heinous woman over her? How could I do this to her?” Jimin’s eyes fell on your figure that was numb due to coldness.

“You caused all this. Are you happy now? Did it please your ego? Even in this birth I couldn’t completely make her all mine. Now to watch her die once again in my arms is what I definitely don’t want. Heal my love or I’ll burn your cave down and erase every trait of your existence.”

The rage in his eyes was more than enough to pull down an army of men if they were to fight with him as of this moment. She held in her composure, speaking calmly. “I shall save her, last birth I had cursed you as a token of justice to my deceased child. However, the immense amount of torment rendered on you and her by my kind isn’t something I’ll justify.”

Jimin scoffed at her, marching ahead. “Shut up, just shut the fuck up. You could have let us both live freely this birth without making me werewolf or her as a half were. Still you chose to play games. Granted Kyorin her curse and permitted her to accomplish it successfully. At the end of the day you’ve proven a Goddess values her ego and unwated stupid principles more then the lives of her children or disciples. After you cursed me I was also a part of your kingdom. When my world was falling apart what did you do? Watch me break apart bits by bits while I beg my love to not give up on her life. I killed myself, yet you did nothing. Were you perhaps anticipating this birth? Just so you could see me live in regret for breaking the promise I had given to her?”

She was at a loss of words. Jimin’s assumption was somewhat correct at some point. Without any further retort she walked to you. Jimin was conscious of her actions. Placing her palm over your head she whispered something. “Take her away from here as soon as you can. Once you’re out of these mountains she’ll be totally fine.”

Jimin picked your figure up gently placing you down on the ledge she had given him. Pushing it ahead he sped down the cliff. Pissed at the Goddess, nonetheless he didn’t act rashly. He knew your life was on the line and any action of his might risk your health to deteriorate. “Jimin,” seeing you flutter your eyes open as the bright light fell on your face he stopped the ledge.

“Y/N are you fine?” “Yes I am what will happen to me lol.” Stretching your arms you yawned tiredly. “Damn that was such a good nap for how long did I sleep by the way?” Jimin didn’t know what to reply? He couldn’t just reveal to you, regarding the past nor could he tell you were on deathbed for a few hours and he had almost lost his breath afraid by the thought of losing you.

“It’s fine we have to head back home now.” Shaking your head vigorously you held his hand. “Tell me what is it that you’re hiding from me?” He bit his lip smiling faintly, assuring you it was nothing. “If the truth were to be revealed right now I’ll lose you again and I’m definitely not ready for that.” Walking hand in hand, he occasionally glanced at you making sure you were fine.

“Are you sure you’re fine? Don’t you feel cold or any sort of pain?” Shaking your head for the nth time you cupped his cheeks. “No, I don't feel any discomfort. We are away from the mountains so obviously the cold won’t catch up to my pretty face.” Chortling at your own statement, you link your arms with his marching ahead. “Y/N what do you think about me turning into a complete human?”

“Ha?” His sudden question left you baffled. “Why are you asking me this? Isn’t it your wolf? From my experience I’d say no, because I know how it feels to be shamed by the society for not having something that everyone does. It’s equal to you belonging from the lowest class, a wolf signifies your rank and gives you some sort of assurance in the supernatural world. The thought of never having a wolf didn’t bother me much until I met you. Honestly, I wished my mate was a human in the early days before crossing paths with you. Maybe, since I didn’t wanna feel left out. Now, it doesn’t matter to me though. You love and cherish me a lot better then what usual mates would do to their lovers.”

His left hand was placed on your back, pulling you in his arms. With dilated pupils you reciprocate his hug.

“Wish I could tell you how amazing you are. You being human is not a curse it is who you really are. Even if you desire to be a wolf you can’t get one. I don’t fancy my wolf self much either. Not after knowing how I ended up in this demonous world of super creatures. Would things have been different if I didn’t cross paths with you in our previous births? Who am I kidding? I fucking can’t stay a second without you. You’re my penicillin and an addictive drug that has me rushing back to get a dose of you. I broke my promise which I’m highkey ashamed of. Maybe, some day you’d not hate me and consider forgiving me, can you?”

Unknowingly a lone tear slipped through his eyes. Which he was quick enough to wipe it off before you could notice. “I don’t know what’s got you so emotional, it doesn’t matter if you ain’t in the right position to share it with me. Just know I’ll forever be here by your side.” Tilting your head you take a step backwards pecking his lips. Jimin’s lips curved up, “I love you.” “I love you too, more than you could ever imagine.” Patting his chest you strongly affirm, he held your hand pecking your palm.

“I do, I acknowledge the immense and unexplainable love you hold for this stupid man.” Knocking his head you glare at him. “Shut up only I’m allowed to you call you stupid you dumb man.” Huffing at him you start walking ahead. Jimin chuckled to himself, catching up behind you.

“She still hasn’t changed a bit. The same old grumpy Y/N. Who makes me go crazy for her by her notorious and childish acts.”

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