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“Alpha!” A kid ran to him, falling down midway. Jimin rushed to him, lifting him up, checking for any wounds. The little boy smiled at him. “Alpha you're so kind hearted.” This was the first time he heard someone praise him after taking over the position. His parents approached him, seeing Jimin play with their son. Bowing at him apologetically. “Sorry for the trouble he caused you Alpha.” He shrugged his shoulders, not bothered by the child.

“Bye-bye,” pecking Jimin's cheeks he leaves the place. Jimin watched them being a happy family. He wanted what they had. However, he knew it wasn't possible. “Want a kid?” Peeking your head in front of him you left him petrified. He placed a hand over his chest to tranquil his heart beat. “You've been distant with me the past month. It's because of me refusing to have a kid with you isn't it?” His lips shivered.

“If that's what you want then fine.” Listening to your behest his rondure glinted with elation. “Really? You wanna have a kid with me?” “Yes!” In the enthusiasm of being a father. Jimin had totally forgotten the danger it possessed along with it. “Thank you, so much Y/N.” Embracing you he was shedding tears of happiness. If only he knew his anticipation to have kids of his own would turn into eternal lamenting in future.


Jimin was busy due to the pack duties and allies' commandments the past few months. He had banqueted the pack to a huge feast the day he found out you were expecting. Amidst his duties he had failed to notice the reticence that had brewd between you both.

“Y/N what are you doing?” He angrily roared seeing you on a stool. “I was removing some documents from the shelf to work on.” He scowled, withdrawing them from the cupboard. “Why can't you behave like a normal Luna and take care of the pack pups? Is it necessary to do office work even in this state?”

Ignoring his mock, you typed off on your laptop. “Oh so now you're gonna act ignorant. I don't care what you do, just make sure you don't harm my child growing inside your womb.” Done with your behavior. He went to sleep. “A normal Luna? What a way to deride me and throw your frustrations out at me Alpha.” Chuckling to yourself, you continued working for another hour.


He woke up hoping to see you, but found none. Sighing he gets off the bed. “She went to work again. What a stubborn lady.”

-1:11 P.M.-

Sitting in the pack meeting he was busy noting all the points from the elders. Jimin's senses heightened at some murmurings. “I heard Alpha Park will be a dad soon, isn't he lucky? He is having his heir sooner than intended despite being crowned an Alpha in less than a year.” Jimin's chest was full of ego. Concentrating on his report.


“Y/N you should stop working you're already at the end of your second trimester.” Gripping onto the file you were reading, you agreed with him. “Ok,” he was content with your reply. “You've learnt to be an obedient woman.” Smuggly he grinned while talking to your stomach.

“Yes an obedient woman you don't bother about anymore.” Not minding to speak it on his face, you went along with the flow. He would be repenting his deeds soon and you knew it. “Wish I hadn't come up with the idea of you being an Alpha. Maybe then we'll be as we were before. It's too late now isn't it? Power has clouded your brain and messed up your consciousness. You don't want a child of your own, instead you want an heir to carry on this legacy.”


He held your hand standing inside the infirmary excitedly. “Doctor, when do you assume the delivery date is?” Jimin was restless. Normal werewolves' pregnancy terms lasted for seven months and were much lesser than human ones. Since you didn't have a wolf he knew he had to wait longer.

“Actually Alpha,” he seemed reluctant to speak the truth. “What is it? Is the baby fine?” He nods his head, “then why are you so scared?” Looking at you he asked for permission, answering Jimin. “Apparently Luna is dying, the pup is consuming all her energy, and it seems like-” Jimin halts his speech.

“Nothing would happen to my pup right?” The man was dumbfounded at Jimin's question. “Yes it's perfectly fine. No harm would be caused to it.” Closing your eyes you held in your tears. “Since the start he's been obsessed with the idea of having his own child. Today he's proved to me my life ain't of any importance when compared to his future blood. Maybe getting fated to him was indeed a curse. It's showing its effect now.”

Leaving him in the infirmary you walk back to the room, avoiding that pricking sensation in your heart.

-8:30 P.M.-

“Y/N would you like to go out somewhere with me?” Jimin stood at the doorstep fiddling with his rings. “No, I gotta take care of your baby if something goes wrong I'd be the one to be blamed. It does not matter if I'm dying soon. This baby's health is all that matters doesn't it? Go on your own.”

For the first time in the past six months he heard you speaking such a lot. And when you did, it was reality rubbing on his face. “It would be good for the baby, trust me. You'll feel lively and healthy.” Seeing your orbs he saw something which he never thought of. Hate, complain and displeasement each and every emotion that you felt for him were strongly directed at him. “Do you hate me?” Scorning at him, you balled your fists.

“Fuck off I have better tasks to do then waste my time on a heartless Alpha like you. I regret being your mate, you want an answer to your question right? I fucking hate you, yes I do. I hate that I'm your mate, I hate that you chose this child above me. Most importantly I hate the fact I crossed my paths with you in my previous birth. For the first time I don't regret being killed in my past birth. Who knows how recklessly you'd have treated me? Worse than what you are doing right now!”

His shoulders slung down. As actuality dawned upon him. “Wish I would have rejected you the very day I found out I was your second chance mate. Today I won't be suffering through what I am. You're indeed a power thirsty man and I won't even bother elaborating your deeds. I desired you to be an Alpha, so you could live happily and bring justice for what happened to us in the past. But what did you do? Forget me? Humiliate and enunciate the unimportance my existence has in your life? Did it feel good when you publicly insulted me?”

Huffing out in exasperation. You avert your gaze from him. He strides away not retorting to your blames.

“I had warned him in the beginning I won't tolerate him misbehaving with me. He took my threats mildly. Now he gotta bear the consequences.”

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