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“Her body isn’t ready to give birth.” Neol reminded him. Earlier in the afternoon Jimin's breath hitched seeing your water break. He had expected this to happen sooner or later. Not today though. “How will she wake up if her body isn’t ready to give birth?” He mumbled to Jin who stood beside him totally clueless regarding this entire situation. “It’s her in the end either she makes it out alive or leaves this world completely.” Jimin was shocked at his bluntness. He certainly wouldn’t permit that, even if it were to rebel against the Moon Goddess and snatch your lifeline.

“Go out you won’t be able to see this.” The older ladies of the pack ushered him out, closing the door behind him. He stood leaning on the wall hoping everything went fine. Sure he grew attached to the baby but never would he choose it over your breath. “Park Jimin you’re so stupid.” Your voice rang in his ears. “I’d gladly continue being one if I get to hear you calling me that once again.”

Hours passed and his patience didn’t. Jimin was rooted to his spot. Sounds of cries brought tears to his eyes. Knocking on the door hoping someone opens it at least. A female opens it, handing him a child draped in woolen. “It’s a girl.” She smiled at him faintly. “It’s a female Alpha I fucking knew it can’t be a guy Y/N’S a rebellious one she’ll definitely give birth to someone possesing the same energy as her.” Chuckling at the little child attempting to grab his finger he rocked her in his arms.

“Jimin your mate Y/N,” he looked at her waiting to continue. “She couldn’t make it out alive. You already knew her condition and the baby’s birth didn’t do any justice to her health. We are sorry for your loss.” What a pathetic sentence she had added at the end of her monotony assertion. Handing the baby to Jin who just arrived after taking a break he rushed in. Pushing aside the ladies who were attempting to drape your body for rituals.

“What do you think you are doing?” Shoving the female beside him. He removed the blanket off from you. “She’s sleeping, why are you covering her face? And don’t give me those sympathetic glances. Now that she’s given birth to our daughter she’ll wake up too.” Shielding your body from them he shooed them out. Thinking of something immediately.

“Oh right I’m so naive Y/N’S right what would I do without her?” Flicking himself he pecked your forehead. Beaming at you. “Is this after birth glow on your face? You appear charismatic.” Chortling to himself he scooped you in his arms gently rocking your body.

“I know you’re no more I’m sorry I can’t let you go, I’m selfish after losing you last birth to Kyorin I won’t be able to tolerate the same history repeating this birth. Maybe we should go on a long trip and you’ll resuscitate? Yes that sounds like a perfect plan. Let me inform Jin Hyung.” He rubbed your palms. “Jin Hyung!” He yelled out for the older male who entered with his daughter.

“Hyung now that you’re here you gotta help me in healing her. Those ladies claim she’s dead. I disagree with them because my heart here is still beating. I should have felt the mate separation pain by now. You know it’s extremely unbearable.” Jimin was speaking extremely loudly, not in his senses. Forgetting of the newborn. Her loud cries frightened him.

“Did I scare you little one?” Jin hands her to him. Jimin placed her on his chest. “Your mother is sleeping, be quiet for me will you?” Booping the child’s nose he giggles at her notorious grin. “You’re taking after me. Once your mother is awake let’s trouble her together.” Jin sighed, “he’s being unreal now.” Tottering his head he left the room. “I gave him a chance to change his past and he worsened it.”


“Good Morning,” Jimin cheered, changing her clothes. “I’ve never changed nappies, you're making me do that. Why can’t babies poop in the bathroom?” Pouting at the fact he had to do it everyday. He mentally prepared himself for the harder task. “Phew, it’s done.” Removing the clip from his nose he smiled satisfied. “All clean and ready to play.” Holding her carefully he sat on the couch. Ignoring his aching heart.

In the end he had lost to his pack mates, so they forced him to perform the funeral ceremony. The least he could do was convince them to hold it at the end of the month. Which they of course denied. Nevertheless, knowing Jimin's stubborn personality, they had to agree. With the condition he won’t ever visit you until the rituals. He was beyond enraged, seeing no other option left; he had to accept their demand.

From that day he spent all his time taking care of his daughter. Googling good parenting goals and making formula milk. Pampering his daughter with all the love you would have given her. “Your mom isn’t here if she was. I don't know if she’ll change nappies. I know she’s a bossy lady and would definitely make me do it. Guess this is a way for me to prepare myself. Do you think I’ll be able to send her off?” Talking to the clueless child he was watching her play with his thumb.

“You have a nose like her eyes like me. I wonder if you’ll speak the same way as her. It would be really funny according to me. I can imagine you yelling: Dad, come here, stop playing with other kids, you're only my father.” Chortling crazily, he wiped his fake tears. Jimin had turned insane and none could help him out of his melancholy. Envisioning fake scenarios was all he could do.

“Jin Hyung and your aunt Hana are here. Say hello to them.” Jin glared at the former snatching the baby from him. “Are you fucking out of your mind? Could you not go for a second without blabbering shit that doesn’t exist. She’s no more with you that doesn't mean you’ll be keen for your daughter to be the exact copy as her. Let her be as she is. Stop manipulating her to be like her mother. Just so you could get the pleasure to have Y/N closer to you.” Hana held the baby walking out of the room, noticing Jin’s tone growing louder.

“My daughter give her to me.” Jimin begged, ignoring the intimidating male in front of him. Hana however, didn’t pay heed to his request, making him sigh. Staring at Jin. “Jin Hyung,” tilting his neck he leered crookedly at him. “I know you adhere to the power to give a new life to Y/N, I have a scheme to invoke her soul. We can still save her Hyung.” His eyes depicted evilness. This isn't something which Jin wanted.

“You need medical treatment.” He maintained distance with Jimin. For sure he knew he wasn’t up to any kind deed. “We could summon evil spirits and maybe make a deal with them to get us her soul from the other world. What’s your opinion on this Hyung? Maybe we could trade souls? It’ll be a one on a one bond.” Jimin's face fell to the other side clutching onto his jaw out of pain. Jin had punched him.

“Earlier I thought it was pain and guilt that made you into a depressed man. Now I’m aware you’ve changed completely. You don’t love her. In fact you hate the fact you’ll be left alone without a mate and the pain of separation will end you, so you're eager for her to exist in your life. Her love doesn’t matter to you, but rather her existence as a profuse material to fulfill your own greed.”

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