- Setting Sail! The Real Journey Begins Now! -

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Zoe woke up and could immediately see the auras of Zoro, Luffy and kuina . A few seconds later she could feel the rest of the auras as well as Koby's and Rika's auras.

kuina flew over her and landed on her hand "Good morning ~ Rahhh ~" kuina exclaimed happily, Zoe giggled and said "Good morning kuina. Can you show me the way to Zoro-nee and the others?". kuina jumped out of Zoe's hand and started flying while shouting "Raaaa ~ follow me ~ Raaaa ~".

She entered a room where Zoro, Luffy, Koby, Rika and a few other people were there. "Hi everyone" she said "you're awake!" Rika exclaimed happily as she hugged her leg. Zoro turned to his sister "Hey Zoe are you okay?" He asked and she nodded. "Yes I'm fine just a little hungry, that's all" Zoe replied, Rika left her leg and brought her a chair "Come on" she said happily. Zoe giggled and made her way to the chair carefully. She sat on it and then Zoro brought her a plate of "there" he said and handed her the knife and fork. "Thanks" Zoe replied with the usual wait "Um ~ it smells great!" She said and started eating and with her Zoro and Luffy.

- time skip-

"I'm full! I was definitely on the verge of death there, I had not eaten for three weeks!" Exclaimed Zoro as he patted his stomach. There was a pile of plates on the table, he did eat well after this whole story. Zoe also ate but less than Zoro and certainly less than Luffy.

"Eh? Are you done yet?" Luffy asked Zoro and Zoe "how the hell did you eat more than me ?!" Zoro asked it was strange to him that someone could eat so much but that's because he had not met someone like Luffy before. "But it's delicious! Right Koby?" Luffy asked Koby not to giggle lightly to the Japanese who thanked Rika's mother for the food. Zoe giggled, her life going to be more interesting from now on.

"You really are amazing!" Rika told Luffy with a big smile "Yes! And I'm going to be even more awesome! After all I'm going to be the Pirate King!" Luffy said. Zoe giggled and said "I'm sure of it Captain" Luffy smiled at Zoe who could feel the joy emanating from his aura. "And now I even have a crew!" Luffy said "So, how many other people did you pick up besides me and Zoe?" Zoro asked Luffy who just looked at him in silence. "You said you were in the middle of gathering a crew" Zoro reminded him. "Just you and Zoe" Luffy answered him with a smile. Zoro's eyes widened "Oh?! So..." he said while trying to digest Luffy's words "Yes! Just the three of us!" Luffy said with a smile. "How are just the three of us going to make a pirate crew?" Zoro asked Luffy who had just eaten a piece of meat "What's the problem with that? We're strong!" He said when he didn't really understand the problem. "Luffy I don't think you understand the problem here..." Zoe said, Luffy tilted his head in confusion and asked "Problem? What problem?". Zoe just sighed but before she had time to answer Zoro interrupted her and asked "What about a ship? Where is your pirate ship?" Luffy shoved another piece of fish into his mouth and then said "there". He pointed his pitchfork out the window where Zoro could shoot a wretched fishing boat. "It?" Zoro asked in confusion Luffy nodded "We'll have a ship this size soon!" He said excitedly while nervously spreading his arms to show that their ship had gotten really big. Zoe and Zoro started laughing "I'm sure Luffy" Zoe said as she choked on her laughter a little "And how is that?!" asked Zoro who had a hard time believing Luffy's words. "And I want a pirate flag too!" Luffy continued before shoving more food into his mouth "Yes, yes, yes! So cool!" Luffy said to himself as he was still eating which made Zoe giggle a bit more. "I think Luffy-san was born without any planning abilities" Koby said, Zoe could feel that Zoro regretted his decision to join Luffy a little. "Am I really making this man my captain?!" Zoro asked himself, Zoe sighed with a slight smile before saying "Well we already agreed didn't we? Besides I have a feeling it's going to be fun!". Luffy nodded and said "Yes! And we will find more crew members in the near future!".

"Hey where are you guys going now?" Rka asked Luffy who was still eating. "It's not obvious?! To the grand line!" Luffy exclaimed with a big smile on his face. Koby choked and spat out the juice he was drinking "But it's just the three of you! There's no way you can just go there like that! No way! No way! No way!" he shouted in panic. "Is the grand line so terrible?" Rika asked. "Of course!" Koby shouted back before explaining to her about the oceans and the great mountain that separates them called the red line and how Roger hid his treasure there before he died but nothing Zoe had known before. She could sense his concern and it made her feel a little uncomfortable, like she was glad he cared about them but still...

"I heard from some customers earlier... everyone who enters the grand line never comes back alive..." Rika's mother said sadly. "But the One Piece is where it's at, so we're going there!" Luffy said with his big goofy grin. "Well, no choice" Zoro and Zoe said together while smiling at each other. "Not you tow either! Zoro-san, Zoe-san?!" Koby shouted. "Wow Coby it's pretty cute how you worry about us so much, but you don't need to worry we'll be fine" Zoe said making Coby blush a little. As Zoro continued her and asked "What does it matter? You're not going, are you?" As he leaned back in his chair. "N-No but I worry!" Koby answered while stuttering a little which made Zoe giggle. "Luffy-san and I haven't known each other for a long time, but we are friends! Right" Koby asked Luffy who nodded with a big smile and answered "Yes! Even though our paths are separate, we will always be friends!". 'Wow how cute' Zoe thought to herself as she smiled.

"Since I was a little boy I had no friends... and much less people who would fight for me... but most of all, I never tried to fight for anything... but you taught me how to live by my beliefs! I started to fulfill my childhood dream! I'm going to become a Marin!" Koby said with a determined smile. "You should be more worried about yourself" Zoro said and Zoe nodded and said "Yeah, even when you were just a chore boy, you spent years on Alvida's pirate ship." And when she said that, she could feel Koby go into a panic, again.

"Now that you mention it..." Koby began but was cut off by one of the Marines who entered the tavern. "Excuse me! People, is it true that you are pirates?!" He asked. "Yeah I added two crew members. We're pirates now!" Luffy answered him, sounding happy and carefree as usual. "We appreciate you saving our island from that tyrant! However now that we know you are pirates. On behalf of the Navy we are forced to ask you to leave" the same marine announced but Zoe could tell he didn't want to do that. The other people in the tavern objected to this and started yelling at him that he couldn't do it, but it didn't matter because Luffy got up followed by Zoro and Zoe along with Kuina who sat on Zoe's shoulder, they were ready to go. "Well, I guess we should go!" Luffy said with a big smile as Zoe began to wonder how he was always so happy even when he was banished from somewhere, because even after he saved them and after they banished him. His aura was as bright and happy as ever.

"Hi you!" The Marine called out to Koby "Aren't you part of their crew?" Koby was startled "Eh? I... I... I..." he stammered unsure what to say to him. "Wait a minute!" The Marine shouted to Luffy who stopped in the doorway and turned towards them. "Well? Is he with you?" The Marine asked Luffy who began to explain Koby and his past to the man while teasing Koby as if he didn't know it could ruin his chances of joining the Marines but Zoe knew otherwise. Luffy knew this and taunted Koby so he would beat him up and it would show the Marines that he wasn't with them. And that is indeed what happened when Koby punched Luffy in the face which caused the two to start throwing punches. And all the commotion made Zoe start to feel really uncomfortable and Zoro noticed it. "Stop it!" cried one Marine "Yes! We will not allow you to cause any more trouble in this town, go!" called another one. "Hey! That's enough!" Zoro exclaimed as he grabbed Luffy by the back of his shirt while dragging him slightly away from Koby to make it stop. He rushed to see his sister like that, but she would have to get used to it if she wanted to become the strongest swordsman in the world along with him, but he would still stop such things when possible.

Koby fell and started panting on the floor while the Marine from earlier shouted "It's very clear that he is not a member of your crew! Now leave quickly!". Luffy and Zoro turned and started walking outside again "Thanks" Zoe whispered to Zoro as he passed her and he just smiled a little and nodded before he continued walking and she followed him.

"Luffy-san! Thank you so much! I will never forget everything you did for me!" Koby said to him while saluting Luffy which made Zoe laugh. "I've never heard of Marine thanking a pirate..." Zoro mumbled "Well you should get used to strange things like Zoro-nee" Zoe replied knowing that this might be the least strange thing they would encounter on their journey. Zoro and Luffy jumped on the boat and then helped Zoe get on it to the Japanese that they had taken off the propellers and waved you goodbye. "Let's meet again sometime Koby!" Luffy shouted waving him goodbye.

And so Zoe's real journey began... They were pirates now...

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