episode 3

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scene from Miko and Bulkhead rolling of a mountain

Miko starts

''Ready, set.''

Bulkhead continues 

''Miko, i'm supposed to be protecting you.'' 

Miko continues

''Bulkhead, i'm strapped tied inside 10 tons of metal muscle. I'm protected.'' 

They rol of the mountain and hit a rock. 

''Who put that rock there.'' Bulkhead asks the others. 

''Sorry, I did.'' Smokescreen says guilty and he quickly removes the rock. 

''Are you alright Miko?'' Raf asks concerned. Miko doesn't respond. ''Quickly to the hospital.'' Raf says panicking. 

''It was a joke Raf.'' Miko says. ''I'm fine.'' 

''Let's try it again.'' Airachnid says. 

Cut to Ratchet being attacked by the dark energon tool

The tool jumps at him and he starts to hit it. And he break the tool. 

''Ratchet, you were supposed to miss.'' Breakdown says. 

''Oops, let's do it again.'' the medic says. 

they try again and they come to the scene were Optimus is supposed to hit the tool. He misses. ''Let's do it again.'' he says and they get into place again. this time they succeed. 

cut to the scene where Megatron and Optimus meet again

Megatron was supposed to land on a rock, he landed but couldn't keep his balance and fell off. ''No one a word.'' He threatend the others, they all quickly shook their helms and heads.

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