episode 23

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It was just before the filming of one shall fall that Megatron suddenly realized something. 

''If I am to shoot raf, with what willl I shoot him without killing him?'' He asked. It went silent nobody had thought about that. 

''Maybe you can pretend?'' Bumblebee asked him. 

''Impossible.'' Soundwave said through a recording of Megatron. 

''Why is it impossible?'' Knockout asked. 

''Because we can't make fake dark Energon effects.'' Shockwave ansered for Soundwave. 

''Then what are we going to do?'' Jack asked them. 

''We will find a way.'' Arcee reassured him. 

''Maybe Megatron must really shoot Raf.'' Dreadwing proposed. 

''Are you crazy do you want him dead?!'' Smokescreen asked suprised. 

''No I mean shoots him with a harmless Energon bolt then we can edit it so that it looks like a dark Energon bolt.'' Dreadwing explained. 

''That is actually pretty smart.'' Optimus said suprised just like everyone else. 

''Let's do it.'' Predaking said and they started the filming. 

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