episode 26

543 18 1

Scene Optimus prevents Bulkhead from falling 

Bumblee holds Bulkhead till Optimus is there, then he lets go and Bulkhead drops. Luckily Soundwave opened a groundbridge under him, so he wasn't harmed. 

''What's in Primus' name was that?'' Megatron asked angry. 

''I forgot what I was supposed to do.'' Optimus said. 

''How can you forget it, it's so easy.'' Starscream says. 

''Shut up Starscream, you aren't even in this episode. So you have no right to say anything.'' The Prime counters. And they just try again. 

The filming of season 1 had come to an end, some didn't go to the filming of the next season because they weren't needed. They being: Ultra Magnus, skyquake,  Predaking, Darksteel and Skylynx. During the filming they had been bored out of their minds and as they weren't needed they decided to not show up at all next season. 

This was the last episode of season 1, I will continue with season 2 in a seperate book. I hope you liked it. And thanks for the many reads and votes. 

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