episode 13

699 19 2

Scene Megatron finds out about the cortical psychic patch 

Megatron starts 

''A cortical psychic patch, how unexpected.'' 

Ratchet continues 

''We've awoken Megatron from his slumber-'' 

''Cut!'' Airachnid said. 

''What did I do wrong?'' Ratchet asks confused. 

''It was: We've stirred Megatron from his oblivion, he's becoming self aware.'' Soundwave says through recordings. 

''Doesn't matter I'll do it again.'' Ratchet says grumpy. 

Cut to scene How is the patient doing today 

Starscream starts

''And how is the patient doing today?'' 

Knockout continues 

''Funny that you ask it-'' 

''Cut.'' Dreadwing shouts. 

''It was Funny you should asks.'' 

''How difficult is it.'' Breakdown says.

''Shut it Breaky.'' Knockout taunts. 

''Sure thing KO.'' Breakdown taunts back. 

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