episode 7

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scene Optimus to base

Optimus starts

''Optimus to base core temprature readings have reached the blue zone, prepare to activate groundbridge.'' He hears only static and look distracted in the distance loses grip and falls. 

''Are you allright Optimus?'' Jack asks him concerned because it was a long fall. 

''I am fine Jack, thank you. And Starscream shut up.'' He says because he sees Starscream was about to make a comment. 

''I didn't say anything.'' Starscream says offended. 

''But you were going to.'' Optimus says. 

''Whatever let's just continue.'' Arcee says tired on the two of them acting like sparklings. 

cut to scene Bulkhead discovers scraplet's 

He pulls out the cable and waited for the scraplet's to come. And he waits and wait and waits. ''Where are they?'' He asks Wheeljack. 

''Sorry Bulk I can't find them.'' Wheeljack replies. 

''And you didn't care to tell me? Now how are we going to do the scene.'' Bulkhead says angry. 

''I am allready working on replacements, it will just take a while.'' Shockwave says and he continues working on the fake scraplet's. 

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