Jake's Desperation (One Shot)

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*Trigger warning: Describes a panic attack.*

*Story note: Conversations below occur via text messages.*

MC to Jake:         I have MC

Jake to MC:         MC...?

After 10 seconds with no reply, Jake lets out a guttural scream, tears streaming down his face. His head is spinning, and he feels like the walls are closing in. He knows with certainty that his worst nightmare has come true.

Jake to group:      He has MC

                                      I can't breathe

Jake could never have imagined being that vulnerable with anyone but MC, but he has no choice now; he's suffocating.

Jessy to group:     WHAT?!?

Dan to group:         Oh shit...

Lilly to group:        PMing you

Lilly to Jake:           Jake

                                       I know you love her.

                                       I know you're terrified.

                                       I know your heart is ripping in two.

Jake to Lilly:           She is everything to me

Lilly to Jake:           I know.

                                       But you need to try to push aside any emotion. MC needs your logic, your focus, your intellect more than anything right now.

                                       Emotion will have to wait... For her. Can you do that?

Jake to Lilly:            I don't know

                                        I'll try

                                        Thank you Lilly

Jake takes 30 more seconds to slow his breathing and dry his tears. His head is still pounding, but he knows Lilly's right. Indulging in his fear is a luxury he cannot afford in this moment. MC needs him. He will do everything in his power to shut off feeling and become the cold, calculating person most imagine him to be, in order to find her. He reenters the Group Chat, seeing but ignoring all of the frivolous questions about how Jake knows the MWAF has MC...and about how Jake is holding up (considering his surprising statement that he couldn't breathe). He puts mental blinders on and gets to work. First step is to remove MC from the group so that the MWAF will no longer have access. Second step is to erase Jake's conversation with Lilly – followed by all comments that just occurred in the group (including his own) before MC was removed. Any awareness of the depth of emotional impact would be to the MWAF's advantage. Of course, Jake is well aware that it may be too late; it is very possible that the MWAF read everything in real time. Third step is to try to track MC's phone. (Not surprisingly, it is powered off so he cannot.) Fourth step is to delete from MC's phone any contact with Jessy, Lilly, Thomas, Cleo, Dan, Richy....and himself; when the phone is restarted, all contact numbers will remain, but all communications will have been erased. Finally:

Jake to group:      When was everyone's most recent contact with MC? Did she say she was going to Duskwood? Did she share any plans? Send everything.

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