chapter 1.

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Frezela has been traveling without a break. After asking one person from one world and having no answer, she'll move to another world to do the same thing. She knows it's not healthy, not eating nor resting her body and magic but she can't help it.

It's been fucking five years.

Five years when she started to travel through dimensions to dimensions.

Five years when she lost everything in her grasp.

Five years when she became a survivor, again.

Between those agonizing and drawn-out five years, she is slowly giving up.

She can't find the man who became her reason to became a dimension hopper. In those thousands of worlds she landed, no one recognize his name. Not even his face when she showed a picture of him.

It's almost unbelievable since some dimensions she encountered, she saw herself and her family in different manner. It's creepy at first, more creepier to her counterpart and her family when they saw her.

Maybe the higher-ups above wants to see her struggling so much.

For all those five years of searching, she haven't caught him or his other selves. Not even a strand of his hair.

Is this her punishment for being alive? Of all the happiness she felt before these five years?

The familiar tingling of magic swirled in the air as a circular space appeared in front of her. An almost starry sky is staring at her, black painting the colored forest where she is right now and bright dots fielding the midnight. The portal is currently waiting for her, another door to another dimension where she's going to do the same process, all over and over again. And then, at the same time, she'll receive the same answer, all over and over-

The molten in her golden eyes flickered as Frezela felt the portal she made is glitching. She knows it will be close soon if she won't go in.

Sure, she didn't eat for the past days and didn't have a proper sleep for the five years making her body weakened. Frezela is so relief that she have a tremendous magic that is only keeping her alive.

In other words, she's fine. She's completely fine and she will continue to be fine as long there's a coffee in the next world she's going. If they don't have it, well- that's fine too. All she have to do is to keep forward and everything will be fine.

She can't give up even she badly wants to.

Not when the guilt is hanging in her head, getting heavier as the time passes. As she closed her eyes, silky red is filling her eyelids, the same color that came from the people who she spent her time before. Limbs and organs scattered as they leered her with their dulled eyes that used to be full of life.

She can't give up for them.

So she's going to be fine, she has to.

When she step forward, her vision is blurring. She can feel the fatigue in every nerves of her body seeping in and her eyes slowly yielding. She tried to stand but she can't feel any strength in her. Her balance is failing so she's not surprised when in her perception, the world is tilting.

So much for being fine.

She can feel herself collapsing in her wobbling portal and the familiar tug and dizziness of her head pulled her once again to another world, one that didn't help her weakened body.

And the last thing she saw is the serene sky, the clouds hanging in the blue blanket. She felt the harsh wind hitting her when the darkness succumbed her again.

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