chapter 10.5

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they said goddesses are heavenly and divine individuals but why there's one fallen in my arms?

Kade is so hungry.

He feels like dying at his empty stomach snarling at him to fill them up in every second. He couldn't think anything but  tasty meat floating in his imagination as he drools.

It's been an hour ago since he have eaten and for him, that time is too long. Not eating within an hour is just a pure torture he couldn't bare. He should've be chewing something between his teeth if only Shane hadn't kicked him in the kitchen, again.

Why can't just people get it that he's hungry all the time?

Not wanting to receive any beatings from his friends again(they're so mean! how can they hurt their own alpha?!), he followed their advice to go hunting.

While walking alongside with the massive trees guiding him with nothing but only in long pants, he decided what animal he should hunt today. Should he hunt some deer? But that's what served when they had breakfast this morning. He wants a rare and juicy flesh that Shane can turn into a very delicious meal through her magic(not literally)!

Then it's decided! Bear it is!

Humming off tuned while skipping in the middle of forest to look for what he preferred- a big and giant bear that will surely satisfy him, even his inner wolf agrees with him! But suddenly, both of them sensed something unordinary above as they look up. It's the usual blue sky greeted him but if he looks closely, he can see a small dot in the middle of stretching azure. It seems to be getting bigger as time passes. It's as if it's... falling?

Falling? Does that mean the deities heard him?! When he asked earlier(everytime) for a falling food from the sky?!

He can't believe it's really happening! He'll tell to the pack about this! They'll be sure to get thrill about it! Maybe they'll get jealous that deities gave him food but not them. He'll never share it others if they asks to!

Feeling exhilarated at the new found discovery— he examined the thing falling from the sky as it gets closer to the ground so he ran to catch it. He doesn't want to get his falling food soiled or get crashed from the impact! So he happily extended his arms in the air, ready to capture his food when he determined where its plummeting.

He couldn't contain his widening grin when- it hit him.

The strong fragrant of red rose prickling him with its thorns and the beginning of winter as if he's suddenly in the middle in the freezing and wet snow. He can smell the nature, forest, soil, snow, ice— all what's present in the winter that he thought it's already the current season. All of the are blending perfectly as they embrace each other so firmly no one would ever break them.

It's so strong and... a dangerous scent.

Kade might be stupid but he's not stupid enough to finalize that the thing falling from the sky is nowhere food, it's a person.

And the scent coming from them, it's nowhere sweet or bitter like he had encountered in his life. It has the combination of spicy, minty and fruity in one path swirling one another as he finally concluded it's a mysterious one.

His excitement from what he assumed falling food didn't dim, instead it increased more and curiosity fuse with it as the scent gets more stronger and in the blink of eye a body was slammed to his own. Totally caught off guard by the impact, he was knocked down at the ground as his back met the earthy soil and his arms instinctively wrapped themselves at the body on top of him.

See, after food, Kade likes adventures. Adventure contains enjoyment at new things he hadn't experienced yet. And this person above him— smells adventure. If the unique and peculiar smell coming from them gives off. It's his first time meeting someone this bizarre?

It's as if their smell is a new one! He just couldn't really explain it!

Kade sits up to pick the person above him, only to realize that— first, they are she. Second, she's so cold. Third, she's not moving in a bit. And fourth, when he checked her face to see if she's even alive, his breath was tied to his lungs as his inner wolf froze as well.

For the first time in his life, his heart was racing inside his chest as if it want to get out from him. Everything seems to be non existent but only the beautiful woman in his arms. Heat creeped his face, and he's certain his ears are burning crimson like his favorite color. His chest felt so heavy he didn't experienced before as if he already forgot how to breath properly. This feeling… this feeling is something he hasn't come across to so he's not used to it. He didn't think a sight of raven locks flowing in his arms and the woman's body like some sort of waterfall will captured him instead. Her eyelashes touching her smooth and glistening skin under the sun above them was already enough to mesmerized him. Sharp lines sculpturing her face as they fell peaceful, sleeping into oblivious that she managed to snatched him and he wonders if she opened her eyes, what would she look like? Will she get angry or get shy?

He's seen more gorgeous women in his life and yet this woman… she's so different from them in so many things. First of all is her scent.

Then Kade decided that this woman must be a goddess. Yes, it perfectly describes her. They have out of the world beauty and have an aura that screams they're not equal to other creatures like him. Also, she fell from the sky so it's a plus, right?

Again, for the first time in his life, he didn't know what to do as the only sound he can hear is his heart thumping loud against his ears and the woman's breathing(thankfully).

But as he continues stares at her face, he noticed how dark the bags under her eyes are and how hollow her cheeks as if she haven't eaten for days. His inner wolf whimpered at the sight as he looks closely how pale her body is.

As if listening to his worries, the woman opened her eyes and he's immediately captivated at how gold her eyes are. They're nothing to compare to those treasures he had seen in his life as they deliriously stared at her. And to his surprise, he didn't expect them to be more sharpen than they are as a hand gripped his arm embracing her.

"Knox... you bastard..."

The name uttered in the woman's mouth made his eyes widen as he saw how broken and lifeless her golden eyes. He was filled by dread at how she looked at her, she look so angry and... tired.

"I'm to fucking... kill you!" The woman managed to rasps as she faints again.

The conviction and declaration echoed at the whole forest and Kade stared her, completely still as he recalled how those ugly emotions are etched permanently in the woman's soul. As if they'll continue haunting her for the rest of her life and he hates it. He doesn't like those emotions tainting her.

He wants to save her from those things.

Do he hugs her as he soaked himself at the woman's grieving and damaged soul. He let go of his hunger for food as he and his wolf went more hunger for something— someone else.

He then decided, that this woman will became his to protect and make her happy.

So he took her by his side. Leaving what he originally had in mind.

Kade's POV! I suddenly have the urged to write it and here we go. Hope it satisfies you!

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