Chapter Four: Confrontation

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The air was damp and clouded with fog as Victoria made her way down the sidewalk, occasionally shifting her school bag between her shoulders. The heavy books made the bag nearly unbearable to lug around. The further she walked, the more she noticed how eerily quiet the streets were. Though the streets were never usually busy, normally the young highschooler would see a jogger, a new mother walking around with a stroller, or a few elementary school students running to get to the bus stop on time. No matter what time it was, Victoria could always count on seeing at least one person. However, this morning, the streets were empty.

Despite the warm Louisiana air surrounding her, Victoria Ross felt a shiver go down her back. Where was everyone?

It was then that she heard it.


Someone was behind her, and they were getting closer.

Victoria's pace quickened, her hand instinctively flying to her pocket that concealed her trusty knife. Whoever was behind her sped up, in sync with her actions. Her breath quickened as her heartbeat pounded in her ears. Fairly soon, she gave up all hope of escaping her pursuer by speed walking, and instead began to run. Just like before, her chaser ran after her.

Victoria felt her whole being freeze as a hand clamped down on her arm, halting her movements. As she was spun around, her hand flew out of her pocket, swinging the knife up blindly.

"Jesus Christ!" Her attacker screamed, stumbling backwards. He shot a fiery glare at the teenage girl. "I knew you had a fucking knife, psycho bitch!"

Victoria felt a small sense of relief when she recognized who it was, but that relief was soon replaced with rage. "Well, how do you expect me to react to someone chasing me down the sidewalk?!"

Kyle Sullivan, Victoria's classmate and longtime antagonist, rolled his eyes. "Just be glad you didn't cut me, babe. Though, I'm sure the principal would believe me if I told him about your little knife there. You know, since your boyfriend's a serial killer and everything."

Victoria felt a flash of anger. "Jeff wasn't, isn't, and has never been my boyfriend."

"Right, right. You're just the only one who got out of a group massacre without a single permanent scar. I mean, come on Vicky. How did you do it? I'm just dying to know." He added emphasis to the word 'dying', giving Victoria his signature shit-eating grin. "Oops, was that an insensitive thing to say?"

Victoria's nose wrinkled as she squeezed her hands into fists, digging her nails into her palms. She wanted to jump on him. To claw his eyes out. To punch that stupid smile off of his pinched face. Within minutes, her mind invented several different ways in which she could attack Kyle, nonetheless, she resisted it. If anyone saw her attacking Kyle, she could get in trouble, and if the principal found out she had attacked a fellow student, she would be expelled. Worse, the cops could get involved, and with her past, they surely wouldn't hesitate to arrest Victoria on the spot. Kyle simply wasn't worth the trouble. Taking a deep breath and straightening her posture, she simply turned on her heel and continued on her way.

She heard Kyle yell some vulgar phrases at her as she continued walking, but she didn't acknowledge it. Giving him a reaction would only make things worse on her. 

Kyle glared at the girl's retreating form, chewing the inside of his cheek. His eyes burned with rage, and his hands clenched into tight fists, turning his knuckles white. 

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