Chapter Ten: Actions Have Consequences

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"Ms. Ross, do you have an answer for us?" The girl's math teacher questioned, drawing her attention away from her notebook. Her eyes darted to the whiteboard, where a complex equation had been written out. The girl moistened her lips, narrowing her eyes at the board. The teacher tapped his foot impatiently, asking another question. "What's the value of x, Ms. Ross?"

"Uh," The girl started, leaning forward. "Is it fifty-eight point nine?"

"Yes, it is." Her teacher turned back toward the board, nodding. Even though the girl had answered correctly, her teacher didn't seem to be pleased. She decided to ignore it, turning her attention back to the notebook before her. She turned the page, hiding an unfinished doodle in favor of taking notes.

As the class crept to a close, the girl quickly started to pack up her bag, like the students around her. However, before she could stand up, the teacher called to her from his desk.

"Ms. Ross? Could you stay after class for a minute?" He asked, not looking up from the papers on his desk.

"Uh, I guess." The girl slumped back down in her seat, nerves twisting inside of her stomach. The two sat in silence for what seemed to be an eternity. The girl watched as he graded a few papers, most likely some past tests and quizzes. Her mouth felt dry as she fiddled with her fingers in her lap.

After a while, the man stopped, looking back up at the girl. His eyes seemed to glow with disapproval. He stood up, slowly making his way over to her desk. He stood beside her; arms folded over his chest.

"You've seemed distracted, recently." He said, tapping his foot.

"Have I been slacking, sir?" The girl asked, looking down at her lap.

"No. But I just want to know, what have you been doodling in your notebook, Victoria? Some of your classmates have expressed concern."

Suddenly, the girl became very aware of the backpack underneath her desk, which contained a notebook full of private sketches.

"Nothing, sir. I've just been taking notes."

"Is that so?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. "Then you should have no problem with me having a look?"

Before she could answer, he pulled out the notebook in a flash, opening it. She wanted to get out of her seat and smack it out of his hands, but she knew she couldn't. This was an authority figure. If she attacked him, she could get into serious trouble.

The man flipped through a few pages, pausing on one. He turned it around, displaying the page to the girl in front of him. It was a page, covered completely with sketches of a monster. He was drawn in several different ways, with several different hairstyles, clothes, and several different faces and expressions. Some drawings were bust shots, others were side profiles, while some were full body sketches. The only similarities among all of these sketches were the man's bloody, Cheshire grin, and his unsettlingly wide eyes.

"Victoria, what is this?" The teacher asked, his expression tainted with disappointment.

She had no answer, only eyeing her lap.

"Listen. I understand you have some kind of weird fixation with Jeffery Woods, but you need to keep that out of my classroom."

"It's not a fixation." She growled.

"I don't care what it is. I just don't want you scaring the other students, alright? You can't be doing this around them."

An uncontrollable anger overwhelmed the girl's mind, rendering her unable to stop the words from escaping her lips. "How about the other students watch their dad get gutted alive in front of them next time, then we'll talk about being scared."

The man looked taken aback for a moment, shock crossing his face, before anger darkened his features. "Young lady, that is no way to talk to a teacher! Apologize!"

"Why should I?" The girl questioned, her voice turning into an unfamiliar snarl. "What do you know about me? What do any of you know, honestly? You're all willingly ignoring the obvious, so why should I respect you in any way?"

She stood up, snatching her notebook from the shocked teacher, grabbing her bag. Before she could reach to zip the bag up, her teacher roughly grabbed her wrist. He leaned closer, eyes glowing violently with rage.

"You will respect me, because I am your teacher. You need to respect me, because I have power over you here. I don't care who you know. I don't care what happened two years ago. This is my classroom, and in my classroom, you will do what I ask. This means that if I ask you to stop drawing your freaky ass boyfriend, then you will stop drawing your-"

Before he could finish the sentence, the girl spun around. In a flash, her fist shot down toward her teacher's hand, which had been sitting on the desk. The man suddenly felt a shot of pain in his hand, letting out a loud yelp. His eyes flew down to his hand, only for him to let out a scream, now letting rage mix with the pain. A single, number-two pencil, was lodged into the middle of his hand.

He looked back at the girl, his eyes demanding an explanation.

"He's not my fucking boyfriend." She simply stated with a blank expression.

"Okay everyone!" Victoria's biology teacher began, calling over all of the groans of disgust. "Today, we will be dissecting frogs."

As the teacher proceeded to explain the process of dissection that the class would be performing, Victoria felt a rough tap on her shoulder from the desk behind her. She didn't turn around, knowing who it was.

"I bet you're loving this." Kyle jeered from behind her. "You finally have the opportunity to use a knife on something... again..."

Victoria grimaced, tightening her fists. She could feel her fingernails digging into the supple flesh of her palms, leaving behind several crescent-shaped indents. Anger flared from within her as she gazed at the dead animal, focusing on it. Numbness weighed on her mind, and she felt unbothered at the sight of the corpse. A measly frog was nothing compared to what she had already been through.

"Alright! Let's get started." The teacher chirped, unsettlingly joyful. Victoria picked up the scalpel and began to cut into the frog's stomach. She peeled back the skin, nailing it to the board with one of the pins.

Victoria allowed her mind to drift as she pinned back the other flap of skin and began poking and prodding at the frog's insides. She could hear Kyle's whispering taunts, anger boiling from within her stomach. Eventually, the anger overtook Victoria's mentality, and she didn't notice as her cuts became rougher, and more random. She didn't notice as her scalpel dug into the frog's vital intestines, that she was supposed to be studying closely. She didn't notice as sticky fluid started to cover her hands. She didn't even notice that Kyle's taunts had stopped, and that the rest of the class was now staring at her. Victoria was only pulled from her trance by the sound of her teacher's terrified voice.

"Victoria Ross! That's really not necessary!"

Victoria looked up, blinking. Confusion crossed her features as the anger left her being. She then glanced around, realizing that the rest of the classroom was now watching her. A few of her peers looked disgusted, while others looked concerned or even fearful. Kyle looked enraged, while other students were snapping pictures of her. Her eyes then drifted down to the tray in front of her.

It was like a bite-sized massacre.

The once whole frog was now mutilated. Its arms were completely severed off, while one of its legs was cut off in the middle. Its face was sliced open, deep enough that the small creature's skull was visible. Its insides had been viciously torn apart.

The animal had been entirely destroyed.

Victoria glanced down at her bloody, gloved hands.

Had she just done that...? 

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