Chapter Fourteen: The Making of a Monster

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"You know, I always knew you would snap one day." Kyle began, applying more pressure to Victoria's chest as the girl clawed and scratched at his ankle desperately, trying to remove his foot. "No one listened to me when I told them to send you to the looney bin. They claimed there wasn't enough "sufficient evidence". I call bullshit. You've always been unhinged. Sketching Jeff in class, carrying a knife to school, and don't think I don't know about the teacher you stabbed with a pencil. Sure, the guy never brought it up, but I saw it, and now, your little show in biology. I mean, it's crystal clear. You miss the thrill of murder. You experienced it once and want to experience it again. I mean, how long will it be till you start attacking the rest of us? So, I got to thinking."

He knelt down, leaning closer to the girl's face. She struggled to turn away from him but was stopped as he grabbed her face roughly. He then continued his ramble. "What if you looked like the monster, you truly are? Like, you know how Jeff's ugly ass face matches his ugly ass personality. So, why not have you match him? But that's when I realized, how the hell did he get so fucking pasty? Then, as if it was fate, I went into my dad's garage, and found this."

The boy then held up a large container. It was white, with a strong, blue plastic stripe wrapped around it. In the middle was a neon yellow triangle with a black exclamation point on it.

"A caution symbol..." Vicky realized darkly.

"I don't think you know this, but my dad's got this weird collection of chemicals. He uses them at work. He's a scientist, remember? Anyway, I was fucking around in his garage, and ended up spilling some of this on my foot. It hurt like a bitch, too. But look what I found out." With that, Kyle briskly took his shoe and sock off of his unoccupied foot, and then held it up. With a terrified gag, Victoria realized that Kyle's foot had turned completely white. It was a stark contrast to his usually tanned skin, which complimented his sandy hair. She then remembered that Kyle had been limping quite a lot during that week.

"Trippy, right?" The boy asked with a dark chuckle. "It soaked right through my sock too. I guess clothes don't stop its effect. I guess that's lucky for you, we won't have to strip you down."

As soon as Victoria realized what he meant, a new pair of hands grabbed her shoulders, pressing her down to the concrete. Anna. At that moment, Victoria snapped. She chose fight over flight with no hesitation and started thrashing violently against the girl's iron-like grasp. She wouldn't look like him. She couldn't look like him. She did all she could think of. She clawed at Anna's arms, face and hands, but only succeeded in making the ginger haired girl pin Victoria's arms down with her thighs as Kyle opened the container. Victoria started screaming, thrashing and kicking as the container's lid was dropped to the ground. It landed with a small 'clack', signaling the container's opening.

"Anna, move." Kyle commanded. Anna happily complied as Kyle then tilted the container over Victoria's screaming form. A white, clear, greenish, yellow-tinted liquid easily poured from the container's opening as Victoria was doused in the liquid. A searing, fiery pain shot through her entire being as the liquid burned into her flesh. The pain was indescribable. Her screams turned into guttural, animalistic screeches. She could feel her vocal cords start to burn, and it felt as if she would wear them to dust. Only one thing was on her mind as her body was forcefully flipped over so that Kyle could douse her from behind as well.

Was this what Jeff felt like?

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