Chapter Twelve: Preparations

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"Haven't you had enough, Jane?" The blonde, twin-tailed girl questioned as her brunette companion polished off another bowl of popcorn. "That's like, your third bowl since the movie started!"

"What can I say?" The aforementioned Jane replied from the couch with a chuckle. "It's delicious."

"Guys, hush!" The girl closest to the television hissed, batting her hand at them as if she were swatting a fly. "It's getting to the best part!"

The three girls were silent as the horror movie they had been watching neared its climax, when the 'final girl' confronted the two killers who had been harassing her classmates.

"Haven't you seen this a billion times?" Her blonde friend commented before tossing a chip in her mouth. Her next words were slightly muffled as a few crumbs fell into her lap. "I mean, what could you possibly miss?"

"It's just really fun to watch, okay? I mean, Sidney's an absolute badass! Do you know how terrified I'd be in a situation like that?" Her friend gushed, fiddling with her ash-brown hair. "I'd probably pee my pants and have a breakdown before even thinking about attacking them! Jesus, she's just so fearless!"

"We get it, you have the hots for Sidney Prescott." The blonde grumbled, rolling her eyes.

"Is that jealousy I hear?" The warmer haired brunette questioned with a teasing smirk. "I guess you have to fight two serial killers now, hm?"

"Shut up, Jane!" The flustered blonde yelled, shoving more popcorn in her laughing friend's face. The two began to play-wrestle as their ash-brunette friend watched, chuckling at their chaotic behavior.

"Why haven't you gotten ready yet?" Marge called, drawing Victoria's attention away from the movie playing on the TV before her. It was the opening scene, where Drew Barrymore's character gets attacked by the iconic slasher, Ghostface. "You can't just sit here watching horror movies when it's almost time to leave!"

Victoria sighed, glancing at her aunt. "You're seriously going to make me go...?"

Marge's expression softened as she placed a hand on Victoria's head, ruffling the girl's hair. "You already said you would... Plus, you could make some friends!"

"You keep saying that." Victoria grunted, rolling her eyes. She was silent for a moment before giving up. She rose to her feet, stomping to her bedroom with a pout. She pulled some random articles of clothing from the dresser, pulling them on. She wore a blue denim skirt with a form-fitting black sweater, and matching black socks. With a shrug, Victoria grabbed a worn-out pair of red sneakers. "It'll do."

As she made her way back into the living room, her aunt immediately stood up. She smiled, placing a hand on Victoria's arm. Victoria glanced at her aunt's hand, and back at the woman's smiling face, weirded out by the action.

"Jesus, Marge. You're acting like you're never going to see me again."  

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