Chapter Fifteen: Pain

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The pain was blinding. It was all Victoria could think about as she was flipped over once more. She barely processed what was happening as Kyle found her pocketknife, pulling it out of her skirt's front pocket. She couldn't even feel it as he started carving one side of her face open. As he did this, Victoria had begun to notice one, subtle thing. Sure, the pain was indescribable. It was hell on earth. However, as the chemical seared into her supple flesh, she couldn't help but feel something else. One more emotion, haunting her subconscious. An emotion she had only felt twice, when she had stabbed her teacher, and when she had performed her twisted "surgery" on the frog's corpse.

Power. She felt powerful. As if, in this moment, she could truly do anything. She could be anything. Though the emotion was incredibly small, it was still present. She didn't know why, but she also didn't hate it. In fact, she sought comfort from it. She forced the emotion to spread through her as she continued to scream.

"Kyle!" Anna hissed, grabbing his shoulder. "Look!"

"What?!" The boy yelled back, only to pause as he glanced at the small basement window Anna had been pointing at. Through the small, rectangular glass, he could just barely make out the flash of blue and red lights. The police. "Fuck! I thought you said this basement was soundproof?!"

"Guess not." Anna replied, pacing back and forth. "Though I didn't expect her to be screeching like that! Jesus, what the hell are we going to do?!"

"I haven't even carved the other side yet-" Kyle mumbled, only to be cut off as a loud banging could be heard from the floor above them. The police were knocking. Panic shot through him. "We shouldn't let them in!"

"You idiot!" Anna barked. "My neighbors know I'm here! They may think you attacked me, and the cops will knock the door down! Plus, when my parents hear about this, they'll-"

Anna paused as an idea struck her.

"Wait a moment," She pointed at Kyle. "As far as my neighbors know, if they somehow saw Victoria enter my house, then we were the only ones here! But with you here, and Victoria like that, well, this definitely looks damning for you."

As Kyle realized what Anna was hinting at, he quickly rose to his feet. "You can't be serious! We had a deal!"

Anna was already making her way up the staircase as Kyle chased after her, leaving Victoria a limp, forgotten bundle on the ground.

As the world faded to black, Victoria caught a glimpse of some flashlights shining into the dark basement.    

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