Chapter Eight: Favors

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Victoria couldn't move, frozen with terror. She only watched as her worst fear rose from the bench and began moving towards her. He seemed to dance as he walked, swaying back and forth with each step, his arms swaying with him. His head was twitching violently, along with his eyes. An eerie smile seemed to be permanently glued to his face. Victoria felt tears of horror burning her eyes as he moved slowly, sometimes straying from his path, as if he was taunting her.

"It's been a while, my friend." He chuckled. His voice barely sounded human. It came out in a scratchy growl, like nails dragging across a chalkboard. "Let's talk for a minute."

"Why are you here...?" She found her voice.

He only laughed in response. It was dry, and barely audible, with only a few dry cracks to be heard. "I just told you, silly. I just want to talk. How have you been?"

She didn't respond.

"Vicky... I just asked you a question." He leaned forward, nearly bumping foreheads with the girl in front of him. "It's rude not to answer someone when they talk to you."

Once again, she remained silent.

"Vicky." He narrowed his eyes, his voice lowering to a deeper, gravely scratch.

"...Are you here to kill me?" She asked, finally meeting his eyes. His pupils were tiny, bordered in a small, piercing blue that glowed with a very familiar tint. Bloodlust.


Her blood ran cold.


"Why?" He repeated her words.

"Why was I the only one? Why didn't you kill me?" Tears burned harder on her eyes, threatening to spill over her cheeks. The questions bubbled inside of her as the anger and desperation overtook her.

"Why?" He repeated again. His grin shrunk to a menacing smirk. A low, hoarse snicker erupted from his throat. "Why didn't I kill you? It's simple, Vicky."

He leaned even closer, his unblinking eyes boring into her soul. She held her breath, waiting for his response.

Nothing could prepare her for what he said next.

"It's because I want you to live through all of the hell that's coming for you."

Victoria woke up from her sleeping position on the playground's slide, screaming.  

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