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"What is it?"


" you!" 


"Is that.. the reason why you..."



"I...I love you too Shadow..."

"Really?" I sounded really stupid after saying that.

"Of course I do."

Then we were about to lean a kiss and suddenly... *click*


We both turned our heads and saw Rouge having her phone on her face picturing us.




Rouge flew away the room with her phone and I turned back to Sonic.

"Sonic.... You don't mind if I do this, right?"

I laid my head on Sonic's breast and it felt soft and squishy.

Sonic p.o.v

I was blushing hard. He just placed his head on my- Jesus I am going to faint. But I noticed he isn't moving anymore.. I looked at him and his eyes were close. I think he's sleeping.... wait, NOT ON MY CHEST!!!

But its too late, I can't wake him up. I don't want to ruin his sleep. *sigh* I guess I have to wait then. 

-Few minutes later-

Rouge p.o.v

Hmm.... whats taking them so long? I better check up there without Shadow noticing. Well  hope he doesn't caught me. I went upstairs and saw them sleeping. I was a bit surprised for what Shadow did. But I guess Sonic doesn't mind about it after all. I took a quick picture and saved it on my phone and I will show it to the others later.

Then I went downstairs and got everyone's attention. 

"Attention everyone, I have something amazing to show you."

"Tails, would you mind putting this on the projector?"


After transferring the photo into the laptop, he connected it to the projector and showed the photo.

(I wish I could put a photo here but I suck at drawing :,)

And then the projector shows the photo that I took in Shadow's room.\

Everyone looked in awe in their eyes except Knuckles. But instead he smirked at it and I already knew he had dirty plan in mind.

T.B.C (I ran out of ideas.. Ima go read some fanfics. Hehe..)

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