A Bet

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Hey guys! This might be the last chapter I will be writing today bcuz I am gonna be busy like very busy due to school stuff :v. Soo enjoy! 

Pls comment and vote :D

-Time skip after playing truth or dare last night-

"Hey Shads, wanna go to the park with me?"


"Alright come on, lets get ready."

*After a few minutes*

"You done yet, Sonic?"


"Come on Sonic, You don't need to make yourself beautiful, You're already beautiful."

"I know, I know.."

"Now you done yet???"


Sonic then came out of the room wearing a long dress up to her thighs with a two strings each on her shoulders.

"You look wonderful."

"Thank you.." Sonic answered as she smooched at Shadow's cheek.

-At the park-

"Wanna get some ice cream?"

"Yeah sure!!"

"Alright what flavor?"

"Mmm..... maybe chocolate and vanilla."


While the couple were walking towards the ice cream stall, little did they know someone is watching them...

"My my.... that's some good fish over there.."

"Hell yeah, that chick sure is sexy...."

"Heh, I bet I can make her mine because of how good looking I am."

"Hah! In your dreams, wanna bet?"

"Sure, what bet will it be?"

"If I win her heart, you will pay me $150 million dollars."

"And if I win?"

"Same thing goes to you. I will pay you $150 million dollars IF you win."

"Hah, this will be easy..."

T.B.C (Sorry of its a bit short I tried :,)

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