Tris POV

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The last thing I remember was being shot with something. It didn't feel like bullets. But I was passing out. I remember seeing Cristina, then falling flat on my face, knocked out.

I woke up, and I was disoriented. Something warm was draped over me. A blanket. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I see is Peter. My mind races back to the day I was going to be executed, and I had woken up in the jail cell to see the same, disturbing face. My instincts win over my logic, and I shoot up out of the warm, comfortable place I was asleep. I see a window, and even though I have just awoken from a deep sleep, not even Peter can stop me. I run to the glass window, and I not once stop to think that I'm safe. After everything I had been through, I didn't have a sliver of hope that I wasn't going to die in this moment.

I cried, screamed, and pounded on the glass, until a familiar voice spoke.

"Tris!" Cristina ran toward me as I fell against the window and collapsed on the ground. She sat next to me, hugged me and softly stroked my hair.

I softened my sobs and looked around. I was safe. I realized I was in a large apartment with Cristina and Peter and...


He stood there, his hands in fists. He stood, weakly. His eyes were drained of color and his face was grey. His whole posture looked so... fragile. He had changed, but his voice hadn't.

"Tris" he said, shocked beyond belief.

I stood up. I saw tears in his eyes. We ran to eachother, I fell down,and he slid on his knees to me across the tiled, shiny floor. He held me in his weak arms. I wanted to tell him everything right then, but all that mattered in that moment was that I was his, and he was mine.

•••••••••••••[hours later]••••••••••••

Peter, Tobias, Cristina and I sat at a small dining table. Tobias and I on one side, Cristina and Peter on the other. I start to explain how I'm alive.

"When I was shot," I said between sips of water. " it wasn't a real bullet. It was a tranquilizer, filed with serum to slow my heart rates."

"We thought you were dead, Tris." Tobias starts to cry a little. " I thought you were dead." He chokes out.

I take one of his hands and hold it in mine on the glass tabletop.

"Then," I continue. "They restarted what I had shut off. And that's all I remember."

"So." Peter added. " they basically tricked us into thinking that we won this whole war, but in reality, we have 100% lost, and we're all fucked."

The table falls silent. We can't help but agree with Peter.

"Well." Cristina breaks the stalemate. "While we're all sitting here. I have an announcement to make." She clears her throat. "I'm, I'm, I'm..."

"You're what!" Tobias and I say, in unison. We turn to each other, and laugh. That's the first cute moment we've shared in a very long time.

"I'm pregnant." She says.

The table fall silent. Again.

"Um." Tobias speaks up. His voice hollow. "May I ask, who's baby is it?" He practically screams.

Cristina starts to stutter, but we don't need an answer the that question, because Peter grabs Cristina's hand under the table, and lifts it up in front of us.

Could it be?

It's Peter's baby.


OOH ANOTHER PLOT TWIST ! you guys had to know this was coming, after all, Peter and Cristina were living together 😏

whale, I'm going to bed, so

Peace love and Pringles! 🍑✌🏻️😋

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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