chapter 3

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After the meeting takemichi order senju to call draken in The rooftops  so that they can talk and see her for many years.
Takemichi" senju can you call draken later in night by the of 6:00 pm in the rooftop so that we can talk and see each other now ".
Senju"sure I will do that but are you ready to face him takemichi is it ok for you to call and see draken ".
Takemichi"yes I m ok now to see draken and I have a mission for him in the illegal auction to bring my important piece of it in that event in tomorrow so that they can't know what's  my secret inside of that thing in the locket necklace ".
Senju"ok I will do that take-chan".
Takemichi"thanks senju I know I always count on you for this you can go with draken with benkai and wakasa for it and the two generals in it so that if everything's happens call me so that I can call the guards to inform me(smile) I am worried for you guys especially for you I don't want you guys get hurt so please be safe tomorrow night ok senju".
Senju" I  know takemichi I will be careful and the other as well thanks for watching us when we have a problem (smile).
Takemichi "you're welcome" (smile and hugs senju).

Takemichi "you're welcome" (smile and hugs senju)

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(So cute ❤️😘)

They talk for minutes and senju said goodbye to go home and takemichi also to rest in her house so that when night came takemichi was in the rooftop to watch the city and wait for draken to come to top of the building.

Senju calls draken in his motorcycle shop to come in the hideout and see the president of the brahman draken go to hideout and see senju waiting for him to tell that the leader wanted to see him in top of building so that he made to the elevator and push the button on the rooftop when he was in the top of it  he exit the elevator and he see a  female figurine he did not know the leader was a female so when the female turn her gaze on his  he was shock to see the woman who vanished 12 years ago the only woman make him crazy he did not believe he finally see her for so many years  he immediately hug and touch cheeks of takemichi and look in the eyes he remembered those ocean blue eyes he love to see when  he watch the girls eye's shine he cry and put her face again in her neck of it smelled the natural scents of the woman he loves the most.
Draken"is it really you takemichi tell me if I am dreaming cause I don't want to wake up in this dream and be with you I miss you so much why did you leave us ,me ".
Takemichi held draken hands on her cheeks and caressed it with the warm smile
Takemichi "it's really me draken-kun it's not a dream it really is me takemichi ,I miss you too and sorry for leaving you all and me but I have a reason for leaving you guys I am afraid I hurt you guys so I leave I will tell you the story how I leave ".
She put her head in draken's chest to listen the heartbeat of it and smile and hug him tight so that she can feel draken's warms body when he embrace her body again.

Takemichi"I miss you draken I am sorry pls don't cry now I will tell you now the reason of me being away to guys but I am not cause I always watch you guys in the shadows what I see is truly hurt to me that you hurt a senju that day I know all of the crimes you guys did but you quit and a start  good life now and join brahman ".
Draken"I am sorry takemichi I am really sorry I can't stop thinking of what I did for these years I am sorry that I break your promise that I will never hurt a woman  of have the same gender as you I quit toman and join brahman of it to be a good  am even I am not my hands is dirty fo the bad this I did (crying)".
Takemichi look at draken and wipe the tear who keep falling in the handsome face of it she warmly smile at draken and told him to calm down and hug him and after a second she pulled away and smile at him before she tells him the reason of it
Takemichi"draken I tell you the reason why I leave you guys behind and run away because I am agent of a secret top organization of it since I met the guy who was important to me is my brother  but sadly he died of the mission I was heartbroken of it but before I meet my brother I met the boss of organization of it and took me and train me of how to be an agent and a gang ledear he knows that I have a gang but it does good deeds so he allows it  he's like my real father he even treat me like a daughter too even though I am not his blood related but I am to him because when he knows that I am experiment in my young days before I became a teen I killed the people who experiment of me  when he knows there's a microchipped in my body he immediately took it in my body and crush it ".
Takemichi " my hands are dirty too and the girl with the toman seriously Lilah hamamoto  for katarina kisaki sister of that bastard kisaki toman's wife or should I call it a night for manipulating them I know that she killed mochi who was innocence of not betraying you guys that bitch is really getting on my nerves".
Draken can't believe of what he heard and see the face and tone of takemichi
But he can't believe of what he heard of last name of kisaki
Draken"w-what kisaki you mean that woman ".
Takemichi"yes that's right he's kisaki sibling when she know her brother died she immediately call Hanma and start a plan of being of the wife of roman and the other's.
Takemichi" but I will have a job for you it's not killing  your mission is to get  that blue locket necklace and bring that to me you can bid any higher I don't mind cause I never really out of money so please bring that to me no matter what it takes be careful cause I know mikey will kill everyone of that even especially the member of it who will participate of it wakasa,senju,benkai and the two generals of brahman will come to you you and guard to you if something happens of it".

Draken"ok I will bring that necklace to you and don't worry I will be fine I promise"( smile).
Takemichi smile at him back and hug her tightly to feel that she will never leave him.

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(Sorry guys if it I post it short cause my parents took my phone and I kinda just read comment of it)

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(Sorry guys if it I post it short cause my parents took my phone and I kinda just read comment of it)

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