chapter 8

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Senju just laughed at draken's shock face, however benkai and wakasa just smirk knowing them that the queen is back and ready to clean mess she left .

The three of them know that the war of two powerful gangs ,that their queen will be fighting against his old friends or should I say admirers, before she do it she need to clean the ~bitch~that manipulating the toman and the others even takeomi and sanzu .

They know that benkai and wakasa have to fight takeomi and senju fight sanzu ,it break's senju's heart that she needs to fight her older brothers just to make them pay for what they do her , wakasa and benkai didn't want to fight takeomi but they need to for the sake of their friendship.

The three captain of brahman go to takemichi and give to her the USB for the evidence , takemichi smile at the three and congrats them.

"Good job boy's! Thank you guys for all of your hard work for year's!! you all can take off that uniforms you all deserve a reward I will reward you all a vacation of 5 day's! and you can celebrate at five star restaurants with your famly it's all on me! so go back to HQ boy's!"
"Thank you leader for the reward and your kindness to us!! we will go back now
Every member of brahman that have been spy at toman ,they all smile at her and thank her for her kindness they immediately bid goodbye now at her before leaving.

Senju chuckled at draken expression
Benkai and wakasa smile at takemichi for being kind and generous to her people .

Takemichi look at izana with blank expression and cold eyes she knows that her eyes got changed because of anger that pointing his gun at her .
"Why don't you shoot me kurokawa ,are you stiff that the person you all love is back and ready to defeat you all even you sano manjiro"

And then takemichi look at mikey with cold eyes izana and kakucho are shock of what she say at them but suddenly this bitch lilah interrupt by screaming at her

"What the fuck did you do bitch!"

Lilah screaming at her with anger but takemichi just at her with dark expression face , lilah start to walk at takemichi and point at her with anger.

"You bitch ruined everything "lilah said.
Every toman members and brahman look at her with cold eyes that she  shivered in fears,"w-what I didn't do anything" .

"Shut your mouth before I killed you". mikey said, mikey look back again to takemichi and with yearning eyes ,"mitchy where did you go i-weve been searching for you everywhere just trying to find you".

Takemichi look at Mikey with cold eyes before answering him,"I have been quite busy with my agency so I need to leave you all because of how dangerous I am that I need to be disappeared".

When she said the reason all of the toman's are quiet because of it, suddenly takemichi said something that shivered to their spine's "and I need to kill some whore who keep rumoring around of you and that mean's you lilah" takemichi said.

Lilah got stiff when she heard the terrifying words comes out to her she thought that she can make roman and other gangs round in her fingers  and be the queen of it but no the real queen is back and ready to take the throne to her , inside she was extremely scared that she will be kill with takemichi but she decided to hide her fear and  glare at takemichi even she's trembling in the inside .

"You bitch!! How dare you call me whore I will kill you!"she said with anger but scared .

"You whore dare to manipulate their to become toman wife's huh your just like your brother right sister of kisaki " takemichi stared at lilah with bloodlust  everyone in the room are silent  the pressure is become cold and heavy to breathe in to point they lost oxygen  .

Senju and the two  founders of bd  are wakasa and benkai is  smirking  they know that takemichi can handle the situation without their help,. And  mikey on the other hand got down on his seat and approach takemichi with guilty in his eyes takemichi also met his eyes with cold he sent chill's on his spine, izana and kakucho ,roman  also stiff of how cold takemichi's eyes it's like one wrong move you'll be dead in a second chifuyu , hakkai,angry are crying silently with sad and guilty in their eyes because the woman their love is back and alive they thought she's dead but the three of them don't believe takemichi is dead .

Takemichi point the gun in lilah's head with killing intend ,lilah know that she doesn't have power to fight the queen of toman and president of brahman also because she's not strong to pull a single hit at takemichi, she know are screaming and  threatening the enemy but she can't fight .

"You really fooled everyone in toman but remember I am the queen your just a peasant that needs to cut their body so you dare to manipulate them thinking you're smart but sweetheart I'm more smarter than you, you think that with your brother kisaki plan will work you stupid to believe that plan will work your wrong I have shadows in this guy's that every move  and I have shadows in you too to revealed you dirty little secrets"

Lilah's face become paled that she did not think that queen have shadow in her back and the others .

Takemichi smile creepily in her that she was in dangerous hand.

Sorry guys if  may update is long I have to  finish my enrollment in school  that I don't have time to write

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