Chapter 6: The Mysterious Lover

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"Umm... hi?" Ella said awkwardly. She really didn't know what to say to her kidnapper's girlfriend. Maybe, Hi, thank you so much for your boyfriend to take me hostage and away from the people I love. We are going to be the best of friends! That wouldn't go well. What kind of relationship was she supposed to have with this girl? Staring back at her, the dark feeling in Ella's stomach grew. She could feel tension filling the air as she noticed all the boys behind her did not make a sound. Recalling from last night, Ella remembered the slight flash of panic that filled Peter's voice when a woman called out his name. Was this the same girl? Ella didn't think much of it at the time, but there was more to this girl than what meets the eye. If Peter was afraid of Wendy, what did that make her?

"Well, aren't you doing to curtsy?" Wendy asked.

"A what now?"

Wendy's body stiffened as she turned back to Peter, whispering to him. "How can she be my maid if doesn't even know what a curtsy is?"

Peter stumbled with his words " love, it is a different time back in the other world. No one does that anymore."

"Well, make her do it then."

Isn't she just a piece of cake.

Peter held Wendy's hand tightly, kissing her all over. He asked, "Would you like me to kill her then?"

Ella was disgusted at the way Peter was falling all over himself for Wendy. How can he be so calm when he seemed afraid of her last night? Even though he said that Ella was Wendy's surprise, she didn't buy it. I prefer the murderer version of him. Wanting to look away, Ella kept her eyes fixated on the tunnel behind them. Maybe it would be better for him to kill her, then she wouldn't have to be so uncomfortable. Lost in her thoughts, a nudge brushed Ella's elbow to get her attention. Looking down, she spotted Slightly next to her, his eyes pleading. I can't leave these boys to fend for themselves. Even though one of them got me into this mess. No, I must survive and do whatever she wants. If not for them, then to get back to my family. After rolling her eyes Ella curtsied the best she could. "What would you like me to do first?"

Wendy smiled, but the gesture still didn't meet her eyes. "Wonderful! No need to kill her Peter, this will work as long as she behaves. The curtsy was terrible, but we will work on it. I need you to go help the boys do their chores." Moving her eyes away from Ella, Wendy glared at all of them behind her. "Alright my children, get to it!"

At that, the boys rushed out of the nearest exits. Slightly grabbing Ella's hand, he led her away. Looking back, she watched as Peter took Wendy into his arms and slowly pressed his lips softly down her neck. For some reason, Ella shivered with jealousy.

Climbing out of the tunnels, Ella was back in the forest with the rest of them. The beating sun, already making her sweat gleam across her forehead. Following the rest of the crowd, they all hiked further into the woods, Slightly still holding her hand tightly. "So, what chores are we supposed to do?" With no answer, the boys kept trudging on, dodging a tree here and there. Finally, Slightly spoke, "We hunt for food, gather flowers for Wendy, and other things." All the boys ahead of them stopped and looked at Ella from behind. Leading the group, Curly turned around smiling. "Yeah, it also gives those two some alone time.." He said while pretending to make out with himself. Everyone laughed, even making Ella chuckle.

"Okay okay, I got the picture Curly!"

Curly stopped mid-joke and stared at her "Y-you remembered by name."

Ella scrunched her face in confusion and released Slightly's hand from hers. "Of course, I remember your name. You just told them to me."

"Do you remember all of our names?" Tootles asks.

Ella chuckled again "Yes of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"Wendy doesn't." One of the twins spoke up.

"Well... what does she call you then?"

"The Lost Boys" Nibs added as he sat down on the ground "or her children."

"Just, the Lost Boys?"

"Yeah." Nibs confirms, "It's just easier than calling all of us one at a time."

Ella scanned all of the Lost Boy's faces. Why would Wendy call them lost? Most were disheveled, dirty, and scarred, sure, but not lost. Ella had never been around kids this much and wasn't the greatest at it either. But these boys... they needed help and a shower.

"Is there a large stream nearby?" Ella asked.

"Yeah, Crocodile Creek." One of the twins says. "Why?"

"Who wants to go swimming?" Ella said as she smiled.


After a long-overdue bath from the boys, all eight of them laid by the beach to dry off. Covering her face from the sun, Ella basked in the warmth gaining a well-deserved tan. If this was what her job was going to be like, then maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Back at home, Washington never got this warm to get a proper tan. But as she lay there, her mind kept wandering back to Peter's eyes. How he grazed her body, how he held her so fiercely last night. What was that flash of green that appeared when they first met? It almost looked... familiar. But where had she seen it before?

"Hey, Boys?" Ella asked as she sat up.

"Which one?" Curly called out laughing.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. I mean all of you. I got some questions that I deserve to be answered." Ella especially stared at Nibs who was next to her. Nibs looked down, twirling his fingers again in embarrassment. "Do any of you know why I am here?"

All of the Lost Boys exchange warry glances, then look at Nibs. "We don't know," Nibs answers quickly. The rest of them follow suit with the same responses saying, "Yeah no idea or beat's me!" Ella observed their now clean faces. She knew they were lying, but also knew they weren't going to budge. She did only just meet them.

"At least tell me who this... Wendy person is. She seems awful, which is well-suited for the psychopath Peter I guess. Why do you follow him anyway?"

"He wasn't always like that." A woman's voice answered. Shifting her weight, Ella turned to see Tink standing above them on the shore. She looked the same as the last time Ella saw her. She still wore her long tattered green dress with boots, her corset, and a dagger strapped to her side. The only difference was that her face was covered in bruises and cuts with her left eye almost swollen cut.

"What happened to you!" Ella starts as she gets up to help Tink. Grabbing her arm, Ella brings Tink over to the closest rock and helped her sit.

"Long story. But not the point... Ella, Peter is..."

But Ella interrupted her "A monster, I know! How could he have done this to you? Oh, I am going to give him more than a bloody nose when I'm through..."

"Ella." Tink's voice hardens as she grabs her arm. "Please listen and listen carefully. Peter is not who you think he is."

But overlooking Tink and the Lost Boys, Ella knew what Peter was. No matter how much they tell her otherwise, all of them were too brainwashed into thinking he is someone better. Ella knew she had to get off this island. Perhaps sooner than she anticipated. But there was one thing she had to consider next. She had to save everyone else as well. 

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