Chapter 10: Mistress of Neverland

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But Peter didn't return. Since their kiss, he sent Nibs or Tinkerbell to heal her, leaving the last three days to be the most confusing of all time for Ella. She didn't mention it to them since she wasn't sure what it meant. Why had Peter kissed her? How did his eyes change? All of her questions were for Peter and him alone. Healed enough, Tink helped her walk back to her treehouse and left her in the living room, plopped on her brown couch. "I brought in a book every day when you were healing," Tink said as she went to leave. Ella's heart filled with happiness and silently thanked Tinkerbell as she heard the latch click on her door. Sighing, Ella imagined a snack and one of her books appearing next to her. Tying her hair up in a messy bun, she wanted to find Peter but thought better of it and decided to confront him the next morning. Picking up her book and snack, Ella started to enjoy herself when I small tap knocked on the door.


Ella chose to ignore it and continue her book. But the tapping increased incessantly until Ella had to hobble over and open the door. "What is it..." But her bickering stopped as she looked up to find Peter standing in the doorway with Wendy on his arm. A small shard struck Ella in the heart as she watched them together on her doorstep. "Oh... uh.. hi Wendy. Nice to see you again."

Wendy smiled brightly, the afternoon sun making her bright blonde hair glow as she held a gift basket. "Thank you for sacrificing your life to save me and making a full recovery. I wanted you to come back immediately when you woke up, but Peter insisted I have you rest longer."

Ella brought her attention to Peter. He seemed... different again. His emerald eyes were barely visible anymore and his black gaze was stone cold as he glared back at Ella. It was like he would rather kill her than stand here any longer. Ella cleared her throat and brought her attention back to Wendy awkwardly. In the split second, Ella could have sworn Wendy gripped Peter's arm tighter when Ella looked at him. "Well, thank you to you both. I should be back to serving you tomorrow."

"Wonderful! But in the meantime, I hope you enjoy this basket of goodies." Wendy handed the small basket to Ella forcefully.

"Oh um, thank you."

Wendy nodded, her smile still not reaching her eyes. Did Peter tell her about their kiss?

"Well, see you then!" With that, both of them turned around and left, leaving Ella ever the more confused. Placing the basket on the kitchen counter, Ella decided that she had no need to talk to Peter ever again. It was clear that the kiss meant nothing, and she was only used to keep him entertained and maybe spark his relationship with Wendy. Angry, but set to move on, Ella continued the rest of her day by reading and being visited by the lost boys.

Hours later, near nightfall, Ella decided to call it an early night and head up to her room. On her way, another knock sounded at the door. Scrunching her nose in confusion, Ella walked to the door and opened it. Without hesitation Peter burst through the door and scooped Ella up into his arms, kicking her door behind them and locking it.

"Peter what are you.." Ella yelled but was interrupted by his lips frantically colliding with hers. Her confusion melted away and the burning sensation erupted again between her thighs as she kissed him back. Plopping on the couch, Peter hovered over her, his hands twisted into her brown hair, undoing her bun and it spilling onto her shoulders. She reacted by biting his lip and Peter moaning against her mouth. He rocked her hard length up against her, sending her stomach into a peak of pleasure, wanting more. She didn't want it to stop but.... but... Ella shoved him off of her, Peter landing on the other side of the couch as Ella sat up. Both breathed heavily as they stared at one another. Peter's eyes were back to the emerald green and grew brighter the longer she stared back at him. She didn't want to remember her anger, or how it hurt when he came to the door this morning.

"Do you want to explain what happened this morning? Or whatever.." She motioned her finger back and forth between them, "This is?"

Peter sighed and grabbed his hair. Running his fingers through it ferociously, Peter laid back on the couch, looking at the ceiling of her home.

"Peter... what are.."

"Look." He said as he sat up again to look at her, "I don't know what this is. I don't have a label for it. All I know is that I am with Wendy. But you... you are confusing me."

Ella blinked, trying to register what Peter had just said.

"That's not an answer Peter."

"I know. But.." His eyes trailed down to her lips, losing focus. He leaned back in for another kiss, but Ella pushed him off again. "No, Peter. I want answers. Now."

Peter groaned and paced the room, annoyance crossing his features.

"Do we have to make anything out of it? I mean, can't we just have fun?"

Have fun?

Ella had been here before back in Washington with a few guys. How they were always hung up on their ex and used her as a side piece until they got the original one back. But not this time, Ella was done with their games. "Get. Out." Ella's said, her tone turning cold and bitter, trying not to be on the verge of tears.

Peter faced her, eyes wide. "What? Why?!"

"I said get out."

"Ella... " He scoffed, "I want to be with you.. but Wendy.. she is.."

"No, say no more. I get it. Now, get out."

Peter stopped and looked at Ella again. The look on her face said it all since his emerald eyes dimmed. "Fine. I see how it is. Don't want to play with me anymore?" His eyes flashed with hurt.

But Ella didn't care. Peter had only used her. Ella's fisted her hands at her sides, trying to hold back her tears. "Why would I ever want to be with you?" She seethed. Even as she said it, she knew deep down that it wasn't true. But she was only hurt first by him, she just wanted to hurt him back. Peter stepped back as if he were slapped. The green in his eyes was completely gone, replaced with his usual black void. They hardened in anger as he stormed for the door. Outside, a rainstorm appeared erupting and pouring over the forest and drenching Peter as he stepped out. But before he left, he sneered back at her. "Too bad, I like playing with broken things."

Ella's eyes swelled with tears as she clutched her heart as he flew away. Somehow it ached more than her sword wound. Falling to her knees, she could not believe how stupid she was for trusting him. She knew who he was from the beginning and yet, still fell for his antics. He was only nice to her once, and she practically threw herself at him. Lightning flashed and thunder rolled as rain pelted her windows. Another small pang hit her as it reminded her of home. Another small reminder of her failure on trying to get off the damn island. Imagining a raincoat, Ella put it on and clutched the coat tightly around her neck as she placed her foot outside. If Peter was going to hurt her, she was going to hurt him back. 

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