Chapter 11: Hooked

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"Welcome aboard madam!" Hook yells over the rainstorm. Helping her onto the main deck, Ella takes Hook's clammy hand. The rain pelted his red overcoat, almost completely soaking him as his red-brimmed hat covered most of his face to shield him from the storm. Both head down, he drew her into the belly of the beast, surrounding her with other drenched pirates, glaring murderous looks at her. She did kill some of them recently and one of them got their revenge by stabbing her. Unfortunately, her death didn't come with it.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

Leading her out of the storm, Hook took her to his quarters, shutting the doors behind him. Taking off her drenched hood, Ella wiped her feet on the red rug that was by the door and stepped further inside. Ella observed the intricate details of Hook's quarters and how the floors were wooden with a glassy coating that shined. The room was large with a lower platform that connected to a single stair that led up to the top platform near the skull-shaped windows. On the far left corner side of the lower platform was an old piano, then to Ella's right side was a raised queen-sized bed that was built into the wall with a red velvet curtain hanging from the top for privacy. The top platform consisted of a dining table on the far side and a large wooden desk with a swiveled chair in the center. As Ella trudged in closer, on top of the desk was an arrangement of items from gold, different colored jewels, and a large map of Neverland taking the majority of it. The rest of the room had large couches and lush pillows to sit on with lit candles everywhere to cast an orange glow.

"Make yourself comfortable." Hook's voice soothed as he strode to take a seat at his desk. Taking off his coat, water flung onto the map from it due to the rain. Ella followed and stood in front of him, observing the map before her. At this range, Ella could smell Hook's cologne of cinnamon with a mix of wine on his breath. His silvery gaze never left her as he combed his shoulder-length black hair out of his face.

Ella pointed to the map, looking at the entirety of the island. "This is all of Neverland?" She asked.

"Yes. I made this map myself. I had to map out every area on my foot and hand." His voice was like velvet, smooth and charming. It sent Ella's spine on edge like a snake was about to strike under the velvet cloth.

"Impressive." She replied, trying to shake the feeling. The map showed more than she had seen when Peter flew her around. Before her long story-filled conversation with Peter, she had no idea others lived on the island. There were Indians, mermaids, fairies, and other creatures Ella had never could have imagined were real. Out of her time here, she had never seen anyone else except Peter's gang and the pirates. Wendy made sure of that by keeping her busy with chores. Overlooking the map, she now could explore the island extensively and figure out a better way off of it.

"Thank you. It's still a working progress, there is a lot more to the island."

Ella only nodded in response, still overlooking the map.

"I must say I am surprised to see you, especially at this late hour. During the fight, I thought for sure you were dead. But I am glad that I was wrong."

Ella looked up from the map to Hook. Ella hadn't noticed his golden hook had been missing. All that remained was a stump that pulsed black and blue. Hook groaned at the pain and pinched the bridge of his nose. With his other hand, he opened a drawer in his desk and set a small black box on the desk. Clicking it open revealed a new hook, freshly polished. It was silver and glinted in the candlelight. Intricate swirls twisted and curved into the metal, looking as though the ocean burned through it. Blowing off the excess dirt Hook smirked and clicked it back into place on his hand. "Do you like it? It's brand new." Hook pointed it at Ella. "By the looks of your face, it seems to me that you have been crying. What seems to be the trouble?" Hook leaned back in his chair, stroking his goatee with his right hand. "And take no offense to this, but why are you here?"

"I... I have a few questions for you." Ella lied. What was she doing here? In a fit of despair, all she wanted to do was to hurt Peter back, in any way. But this? It was too far and even dangerous for her. Ella knew she had to get out and stall for more time perhaps. Peter was surely not going to save her again. He made his choice perfectly clear. She was all on her own.

Hook waved his hand, "By all means. Ask away."

Ella nodded, trying to get the courage to speak. "I... I am not sure if you have heard of this but... I keep on hearing something about a curse?"

Hook's smoky grey eyes darted in her direction, widening, but quickly recovered and cleared his throat. "I.. have no idea about this... ah curse you speak of. But.." Hook jumped out of his seat and headed over to another wooden table with different types of liquor on top, pouring himself a glass. Ella didn't notice it when she first came in. The rain continued to pound the skull-eyed windows as Ella waited for him to answer, the sound filling her head. Hook took a large swig of his drink and set it down, overlooking the rocky ocean outside.

"I do have some sort of idea. This island... it has changed and not in a good way." Hook turned back around to look at her.

"What do you mean?"

"I cannot fully explain it. But more of a feeling. There is something dark that came to Neverland long ago and has been poisoning it ever since." Hook walked over to her and placed his hand on Ella's shoulder. "My advice? It is to grab that silver dust off your pixie friend and run."

Ella's mind flashed back to when she was back in Washington, first meeting Peter. The memory was blurry but she did remember Tinkerbell having a bag of strange silver dust that Peter kept glittering on the ground. "What does dust have to do with anything?"

Hook grabbed her shoulder tighter and pulled her in closer so she could smell the liquor off of his breath. His eyes bore fear as his voice hit a tint of urgency. "It means everything, Ella."

Ella swallowed hard. Hook's golden skin flickered off the firelight, his black hair curling to his shoulders and his eyes so intense that Ella couldn't look away. "You are quite beautiful Ella. Your skin is so smooth, your hair is... it reminds me of the good old days."

"T-thank you Hook."

"Please. Call me James."

"That won't be necessary" another voice answered. 

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