Welcome to camp!

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"I am super exited for camp! I hope I make new friends there, hopefully they have a phone so we can stay in contact-" Y/N said to themself as they packed up their stuff. Y/N finishes packing their clothes and is deciding on extra things. Y/N's mom walked in the room and told them that their bus was gonna be there soon. "Thanks for the reminder mom!" they said. They ended up taking their phone, a portable charger, and their summer journal. They decided for their first time going to camp, they should journal all that happens.

Then they hear the bus pull up. in a panic they get their stuff together and hop on the bus. they stop at a few more stops and they pick up a couple more kids. One with greenish teal hair and a very energetic personality, and the other with brown curly hair with a more nervous and secluded personality. "Hi! Are you going to adventure camp too?" The green haired one said. Y/N replies with "oh no, sorry. I'm in astrology camp!" they both look slightly confused, but they brush it off and assume it's just there for different camps. Y/N never did well staying awake during car rides, so they fell asleep.
**after awhile..**
Y/N wakes up to vigorous shaking "wake up! we're here!" our friendly stranger said. Y/N wakes up and quickly grabs their stuff and runs out of the bus. when they get out they are met by a tall, happy, and energetic looking man. "hello new campers! I'm your camp councilor, David! and this is max!" he gestures towards a kid in a blue hoodie. "Tell them how awesome Camp Campbell is!" the kid in the hoodie looks annoyed, he rolls his eyes and says "It's not awesome." Y/N gets a bit concerned but continues on. "you must be Nikki!" David says, Nikki bites David's hand and David screams. Y/N holds in laughter. The curly haired kid asks "Is this science camp?" Nikki responds with "No silly! This is adventure camp! Ad-ven-ture? at least my mom said so." she apologized for biting David's hand and Y/N says "what about astrology camp?"David probably didn't hear Y/N I guess because he totally ignored them and said "And you must be Niel! and don't worry, it's all of those things" David had a small conversation with the bus driver, Y/N wasnt really listening and David Showed us around camp, and introduced us to the other kids. I spent the rest of the day hanging out with this kid Harrison. He seems pretty cool! too bad no one else thinks that-

cliffhanger >:D i hope you like the first chapter, this is kind of a recreation of an old fanfiction (that you cant read anymore) but i was thinking of maybe doing a chapter every friday and wednesday, maybe sunday. but have a good day and remember to drink water! <333

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