rainy day!!

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Hey diary! Today it rained!!! Also these guys came to like evaluate the camp but it rained today! I had to wait a second for Nurf to stop bullying Harrison. I'd love to try and help but the first time I tried I got punched in the stomach. There's not a lot we can do other than nothing. The counselors know, the kids know, probably even the mascot knows that Nurf isn't really beatable. Maybe I'll try another day. But eventually Harrison was free and I was able to convince him to come enjoy the rain with me. Apparently Niel went missing? Idk but they found him so he's ok.

          When we were out in the rain we were hanging out, being silly, dancing, typical rain stuff. But when we were hanging out, I started getting this funny feeling. Like if my heart beat went any faster my heart would explode, and my stomach feels like it has butterflies in it. Really dumb and clumsy butterflies. And my legs felt like jelly, too. It was really weird. I don't like it and I'm kind of scared that I have a crush on Harrison. Don't get me wrong a cute camp romance would be nice but me and Harrison are really great friends! I don't want to ruin things between us and I bet he doesn't feel the same way anyways. If I just hide it I think we'll be ok. I hope it will be ok..

IDEAS: hang out with other people ✔️
                Stop liking Harrison ✔️
                Make Harrison like me ✖️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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