The new Kid(s)

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A/N: this chapter takes place in Harrison's POV, I made the first part from a narrator POV to get introduced to Y/N. all of the other Y/N chapters will be in their POV. thank you for reading and on to the story!

I wake up and get ready, then I go to get breakfast. I overheard Gwen talking about some new kids coming and thought "I hope they're nice! at least nicer than Nurf.." I finish my food and do some card tricks. And now space kid is trying to fly, and Gwen is throwing sporks at him. oh! David just opened the door! "YOU MOTHERFUCKER" Gwen yells, while Nurf is turning up the fan's speed. Looking at the line of kids, there's one with red overalls, one with (F/C) hair, and one with curly hair. interesting! we get introduced to them and then we go outside.

we got to show off all of our camps! then I got tomatoed, and then Nerris beat me up with a sword- but then Cameron left after some weird speech- then I saw the new kids escape from David with his crappy camp song, Except for Y/N. Y/N came towards me instead of escaping camp? weird. "Hi!" Y/N said. "You just seemed cool so yeah, uh... what camp are you in?" they let out a small little laugh, it was pretty cute. "I go to illusionist camp!" I replied, "that's super cool! i go to book camp, way less cool than illusionist camp. maybe you could show me some tricks some time?" I got really excited at this of course, I responded with "really?! I would love to!" Y/N smiled and said "great! I'm Y/N if you didn't know." I felt like i was about to burst with excitement, I made a new friend!! and we talked for the rest of the day after that. It was nice to have a friend other than Preston.

I could barely sleep that night I was just so happy and excited I could just scream! I can't wait for tomorrow.

Narrator POV

They both went to sleep Soundly that night. waiting excitedly for the new day to come so they can talk again. goodnight, Y/N and Harrison! see you tomorrow!

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