A boring day at camp.

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Hey diary, waking up next to Harrison was pretty weird, to say the least. But never mind that.
Today at camp was SUPER boring and nothing happened. Pretty much all I did was talk to Harrison.
Maybe I should have introduced myself to more people, like Ered, she seems cool. Or Dolph, he seems.. creative- or maybe I could talk to those kids that were trying to escape, but I don't know if I want to get into that much mischief just yet.
Harrison showed me some tricks and they were super cool! HE EVEN SAID HE'D TEACH ME SOME!! I love learning new things.
But yeah that's pretty much all that happened today. Sorry nothing super cool happened :(

SOMETHING ELSE HAPPENED TODAY!! I couldn't sleep so I went out for a walk to maybe make me more tired or something. Looking at the stars is soothing to me and the stars look amazing out here by the way. But anyways when I was walking I saw those three kids running to the dock. It was weird, so I kind of spied on them. They went on a boat with this kid named billy so obviously I can't follow them anymore but it was weird. Maybe I'll find out more later.

UPDATE: the two kids from the bus came flying back on an eagle and I think max came back later on not an eagle. Maybe I'll ask them what happened tomorrow. But for now, that's all. Bye!


A/N: hey guys! Sorry it took so long to get a new chapter, I just didn't have a whole lot of inspo and then forgot and fell out of my camp camp phase. But I'm here now! I'll try to make at LEAST one chapter every week because I'm on summer break and have free time. Thanks for reading!!! You're super cool! ❤️❤️❤️
P.S. I decided that the diary idea was cool so I'm doing that.

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