New Friends!

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A/N: this chapter is in y/n's diary! enjoy. (I might make the rest of the chapters in a diary as well)

Hey diary! I'm so happy! First day and I already made a friend? And I started it too!! I can't wait to see Harrison again. I'll tell you how the day went when I'm about to go to bed.

The day started off a bit interesting. David introduced us to the camp's mascot, but then Max legit killed it and then we had to find a new one. Because of course we do. but hey, I got to search for one with Harrison! and Nerris! Somehow, we ended up losing Nerris. Then something really weird happened. So basically, as we were searching, we ended getting chased by a wolf (jeez this camp needs better safety for their kids-). And of course, we ran because we're sane people. (Mostly, at least) but while we were running, somehow our hands got intertwined with one another, and as we showed up back to where David was, Harrison said that he had a plan. He said that he could just pull a rabbit from a hat, of course. I thought it was pretty good! but as we were showing off what we found, he pulls the rabbit out of his hat and then he shows it off and puts it back in his hat!? and he can't bring it back either because what else would he be here for other than learning magic? but i can't be too mad, he's just a kid, a cute kid... wait shut up Y/N what are you saying?- you just met this kid- whatever. I know I'm gonna have a nice sleep tonight.

I awoke in the middle of the night to find Harrison in the doorway. "What are you doing here?" I said sluggishly. Harrison looked a bit embarrassed, but he shyly said "uh.. I had a nightmare- is it ok if I sleep in your tent tonight?" I thought for a bit, and eventually replied with "of course, whatever you need." and i spent the rest of the night, cuddling with the pretty boy in my tent.

It's like magic (Harrison x reader)Where stories live. Discover now