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Hey diary. Today started off terrible, we had to scrub the floor with toothbrushes so the camp founder or whatever likes it when he comes back. I saw him on my first day and he was clearly running from the government. I don't see why we should make a criminal's hideout sparkling clean. It's annoying and dumb. And then there's Erid who isn't doing anything because she can get away with it!? What the hell! It pissed me off.
And then I hear Max say "aren't you all sick of this lowly work? It's time we take control of our lives and fight back! Who's with me!!"
I raise my hand while others yell. I don't really like yelling. Especially since we were inside.
We tied Quartermaster to a chair. And by we I mean I helped by bringing them rope and they tied him up. I do NOT want to touch that guy. A little bit after, Gwen and David walk in so we have to tie them up too. We tied them to the flag pole, and this time I actually mean we! Gwen and David are much more fun to tie up.
After David scolds max a little bit, we leave. I wasn't paying much attention, really. I saw a cool butterfly. Harrison pulled me back to reality when he grabbed my hand and followed max to go vote on who should lead the rebellion. Pretty smart to have a rebellion leader honestly. Since max started it I assumed max would be the leader, but like 70% of the camp chose Erid to be the leader. Which is weird because like what did SHE do? I saw that Harrison was on Erid's side and I honestly felt a little hurt, but it's whatever. I only went with him because I felt he wouldn't have anyone else to talk to and be sad or something. Definitely the reason why.
Harrison and Nerris got sent to guard the cabin, so I hung out there with them. Nerris is actually pretty cool, and it's nice finding DND nerds in "the wild". It's fun to hang out with nerds. I also think Preston is pretty cool too! I was talking to him before I decided to bug Harrison. I've taken acting classes before and it's pretty fun! So I'm not too unfamiliar with acting and theatre.
Eventually Harrison and Nerris decide they should go inside because it's cold outside. I actually really like the cold so I stayed outside and looked at the stars. I stared for awhile and eventually heard a twig break and it caught my attention. Then I saw Max, Niel and Space Kid. They froze like they were caught, but I didn't really care if they crashed Erid's party, so I told them they could continue what they were doing. A few minutes later I hear a "BAM!", I think they blew a hole in the wall.
Then I see a bunch of people running after space kid, poor guy. I follow behind only to find that Harrison fell into a trap. "Seriously dude?" I say to him, and he rolls his eyes. I smile and sit at the edge of the hole and dangle my feet in. I got to sit there for a sec until the ground caved in and I fell in. and you wouldn't guess who I landed on. HARRISON. I LANDED ON HARRISON AAAAAAHHHHH IT WAS SO SCARY AND HE LAUGHED AT ME >:(
Nikki and Erid showed up like right after I fell in, and started talking to max. I got off of Harrison when they showed up and then popped my head out of the hole to see what was going on. I just watched the fight unravel as Erid reveals that she's a fart face and is fake. Harrison then pops out and says "I'll save you Nikki!" And FIRE CAME OUT OF HIS HAND?!?!?!? he did not save Nikki though. He caught the rope that David and Gwen were tied in on fire. Nerris yelled out "YOU SUCK HARRISON >:(" and I snickered a little. I'm still in shock about the fire coming out of his hand though.
Then the founder shows up. Great. All he did was take some money and leave saying he was gonna gamble away some money and something about the prime minister of Thailand? I don't know but he made us clean the cabin. I don't like Mr. Campbell. After that I went to bed because I stayed up all night and cleaning stuff is hard.

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