Night time adventures

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          Hey diary! Today everyone got to tell scary stories! I'm not super good at it, but I tried. I told the story about that girl with the green ribbon on her neck because that's really the only one I can fully remember. A bunch of people left before David could tell a story because we all knew it'd be bad, also we were tired.
But when I went to my tent, I couldn't sleep. I don't know why, it's kind of a habit honestly. But I did what I do every time I can't sleep, walk around and look at the stars. This time I found a nice clearing to look at them in. It's honestly perfect! not too deep in the forest, nice big gap between the trees so you can see the stars excellently. I started turning it into more of a fort-looking thing, to make this spot even cooler. I sat down and enjoyed the stars for a moment, then I felt like something was still missing... I need to enjoy this with someone else. Harrison's probably awake, I'll ask him.

Harrison's POV

I'm trying to go to sleep, but I just can't stop thinking. Thinking about Y/N. I've been losing sleep almost every night because of them. It's starting to be a problem. I've been trying to find ways to get my mind off of them, like practicing magic or trying to bring back my brother. But it never works. Maybe I need to find a different way to get my mind off of them... all of a sudden someone opens my tent. I turn around to see who it is and it's Y/N! This is great! Maybe this will work??

Y/N: "Hey Harrison, uh- can I show you something?"


Y/N: "ok, great! C'mon!"

Y/N's Diary

          Ok so I was able to get Harrison to follow me, yay
           I led him to the fort and when we got there we hung out and stargazed. I think he thought it was calming too, because he fell asleep. On me. He was resting his head on my stomach and he just passed out right there. I'm writing so I can pass the time until he wakes up. If he wakes up. I might be here awhile. But I can't wake him up! He's so peaceful.. maybe I could fall asleep here too. I hope we don't scare the counselors by not being there in the morning. I think I'm gonna sign off. I'm starting to get tired. Bye diary!

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