Ch-7(I'll be with you from dusk till dawn)

22 5 6

*Louis POV*

Harry's lips were right on mine. It felt so different. Never have I ever felt this different. Harry was my best friend, sure, we had something undefined between us, and this is just so perfect. My stomach is a fluttering mess right now and I swear if we weren't in a movie theater, I would have fallen on the ground by now, frozen and just in need of Harry. 

"Shhhh...Lou, don't grab anyone's attention"
"mhmm, Okay"

"Best day of my life."  We both said at the same time and smiled. Harry's dimples show off, looking cuter than ever. I couldn't help but poke them, they were so soft. They were mine now, just mine, and no one else in the world had the right to do anything with them. It felt so fantastic. 

"Promise you won't leave me, just stay friends, whatever happens?"

He wiped a tear away from my eyes.

"Lou...Don't ever worry, whatever happens, I'll always be there, ok?"
" you wanna come over, like... to my house and have our...night?"

He smiled softly, which my heart melted at. 

"I would love to Lou, but we have school tomorrow"
"Why do we have school!?" I pouted
"So I can see you pout about it and-"

He smirked and kissed my lips again, making me smile. OH GOD, HOW DOES THIS PERSON KNOW EVERYTHING TO MAKE ME SmILe!?


The movie ended. Harry and I were going hand in hand away towards the parking when the boys stopped us and whisper-exclaimed

"We all saw you both!"
"How long have you lads been together!?"
"When even are you getting married!" Niall asked. I wanted to rip his head out of his shoulder because this boy can't just stay himself.

I was so panicked before Harry squeezed my hand and assured me that he was there with me. I smiled at him and the boys cooed in 'awww'.

"It just happened today," Harry said as if he had won the biggest prize in the world. I just smiled like an idiot next to him when he told them the story

"...And then Louis asked me if I'll be his" He looked up at me and brought me closer to himself. His arms were definitely the safest place for me to be, and I was the proudest and the luckiest to know that those were just mine. 

He lifted me up from the ground and held on to me tight, not too tight scared if I would 'break'. My face was excruciatingly close to his cause I just wanted to kiss him right now. 

"And he knows he has someone to come to whenever he needs. Ain't I right sweetchee-"
Before he could even finish what he was saying, I kissed him, not wanting to wait for even a second more. 

The lads just watched us and they looked so happy. Niall was fake-crying, just so happy for us to be together. 

"Someone's impatient, I see"
"More than you are" I sassed and giggled at him. 
"Sassy much, huh," He said raising an eyebrow 
"Come home?" I asked again, thinking maybe this time he would agree. 
"How do I say no to you, boo. I'll ask mum to drop my uniform"
"Yay! Let's go"

This is, was, and will be the best day of my life! Harry and I...We finally found that one inexpressible thing as our deep-drowned feelings. 
He was finally coming over to ours after... the best night we had.



I was caught off-guard when Louis asked me out. It came out of the blue and I just never thought it would be like this. So to repay him for the best night of the month, I was going to do something fun, something we both would love.

I had agreed to stay at his house for the night. We had decided to call in sick after discussing it with my mom and Niall. 


"Hi Haz" He smiled and so did I
"Um...I was thinking of... having a good...something fun this night, this is our night, after all, 24th August...I just want this day...Night to be special..." 

He looked at me with eyes heavy and a raised eyebrow, I felt like crap right now. I shouldn't have said that, SHit.

"I mean it's totally up to you, we can just sleep if you want, I don't wan-"
"Shhhhhhh.... relax H, you're stressing toooooo much...It's just me, Louis. I could surely say that I would want today, 24th August to be a happy and favorite night of all and that's why I asked you to stay!"
"Let's watch a movie"
"A marathon"
"Harry Potter"
"Louis Tomlinson"
"Hey! I'm not a movie!"
"Forget the movie, you're a whole series," I said out of nowhere. What's happening again! I still get the feeling I used to from this tiny, beautiful boy!

"I'm not tiny!"  He pouted and smirked. 
"God that came out louder, didn't it?" My voice as low as possible
"So...Styles, Which movie were we on?" He giggled and smirked. Why is this happening to me!? His face and eyes and everything look perfect. I let out a very very pleasantly foolish moan escape my lips.

I heard Louis giggle before he kissed me. God! He knows what to do! I don't want to detach him from myself, not right now, not ever. 

"I'll be with you, forever, and ever and ever and eve-"
He kissed me short because he had to struggle to reach my height
"I know you would, Chocolate"
"Glad to hear, sunshine"

"Let's not forget the movies, shall we?" I said
"Let's just watch Louis Tomlinson first" He smirked and giggled. I couldn't do anything but give him a playful-confused look. 

The night couldn't have gone any better... His every part is perfect!

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You've Got That ONE THING- a Larry Stylinson (L.s.)Where stories live. Discover now