Ch 11 (And let me kiss you 🎂)

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*Louis' POV*

"Where are we going?"

I then sit with a pout for the rest of the ride, Harry looks at me in every 2 seconds and I'd pout more, I know, always, always, Al-Ways, whenever I pout, he'd kiss me 😼 but now he can't, coz he's driving

He parks his car. Luckily, no one else was there. He  grabbed my collar and suddenly pulled me towards him.
"You really don't realise what you pouting does to me"
And he kissed me. No it wasn't rough or hard. It was soft. Full of love. I relaxed completely. Everything running through my mind just switched into Harry and Harry and just Harry.

After a full 15-20 minutes of 'that' , we finally continued our drive and were there, wherever Harry took us.

I saw a biiiiig restaurant, no it was reallllyyy biiigggg!
"Well, aren't you gonna come in ? " He laughs dryly
"We are going... In HERE?! "
"Well, it's your birthday! ... And Niall doens't know that we're at this big restaurant*chucklss*"
"Wow.. that's uh... Thats alot Harry, Thank you💙"
"Your welcome lou *dimple smile* "


We were finally out of the restaurant and ,you should have guessed it, the bill was unimaginable 🙄
Still Harry paid cause it's "his treat."

I was driving this time , to my house, cause, I had to.

"Watcha lookin at Haz?"
"I... Nothing ... Just thinking"
The light was red at the moment, when suddenly Harry kissed me. He got a bit nervous, I don't know what for *laughs*.

"It's okay to kiss your boyfriend *laughs*"
"*Blushes* Well, can I do that again? "

We were at my house now
Before I could knock on the door, Harry put his hands and cupped my cheeks.

"Yes, Darling?"
"Happy birthday"
"Thanks Babycakes"
"Can I kiss you?"
"Of course you can"

And he Kissed me... Long, lovely , longing, kiss.

"Is everything alright Haz?"
"I could kiss my boyfriend whenever I want"
"I love-"
I stopped before saying you, cause it might be too much all together for this little-sweet creature.

"I loved the date"
"The day's not over yet"

He opened a door and there were a lot of people, who I love. Liam, Niall, Zayn, Gemma too(which I got to know later, was Harry's sister) , his mum too.

"Happy birthday, Louis!!" They all screamed in harmony
"Thanks guys!"
"Thanks Harry, dumbass, he's the one who did this all for you" Niall said
"Yeah...." Harry said

I was so happy! And in love. I kissed Harry, just a peck, and still, Niall and Ziam clapped and Gems and Anne, were watching with loving eyes.


Eveyome went home and Niall was in his room.

"Yes lovely?"
"I like you lots"
"Me too, Haz"

He smiled and then slept , curled up to me.
This day couldn't get any better✨




THANKS for reading !
It took some time (well okay a lot) but I was busy with school. I hope I can update sooner next time

Love u all!💙💚


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