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*Louis' POV*

It's The end of june already. So much has happened in the past few months, but Harry was always by my side.
He's the best boyfriend someone could ever ask for, and if my mum was right, then he'd not say no.

I opened the small black box, which had the most perfectly shining sapphire crystal on a golden ring.
"Promise" and 2 hands holding pinky fingers.

** In a special Group chat**
Louis- *sent a photo*
Ni- Omg! Harry's going to Lovvvee this!!!
Li- It's Absolutely amazinggg🥹 I'm tearing up. I'm so happy for you two

Z- it's beautiful, Louis.
Z- @liam it's our turn soon😘
Li- *blushes furiously*


I'm nervous. I don't even know why, but I just am. Everyone has been supporting and helping me with the plan. Harry's oblivious to it all. He's been busy these days. He got a job as a nursery math teacher. Turns out, my math skills really helped him. I still remember how 4 years ago he used to struggle on simple math assignments. I always used to encourage him, and that's what he's always returned.
There is absolutely no reason to deny what we have, and if I've read the signs right, I'm ready for our forever in this universe.
I'd never let this chance go. There could be an alternate universe where Harry and I are famous, desperately in love, but never will be free.
I can't waste what we have. It's something more than LOVE.

"Hey, Harry. It's been a long time since we both went out, like a date, so I'll pick you up once you're done from the school. This time, It's for me to know and you to guess. Love you so much, your Louis."

I sent him a voicemail, in case he was teaching. I had taken off for the day from my work as the cashier in a cafe nearby. The cafe is quite famous so, it pays well

I fixed my tie, and buttoned my black coat. Put on my shoes, and set off to Zayn's. Liam and Niall were already there.

"Hi b-"
"When are you going to do it"
"When's your wedding" all three of them said at the same time.

"Calm down, lads. We haven't even been engaged yet. "
"Loueh, you idiot. You really think he's going to say no? " Zayn said.
"I mean-"
"Shut up. I've already planned your wedding. It's going to be 28th of September, this year, I know that's a very long time, but we need to arrange a lot and gather up some money." Niall said.

"There'd be blue and green flowers, white decoration, near a beech, when the sun almost sets and the water reflects the amber color and you'll say your ' I do's '. " Liam said

"Do you think I should ask Liam to marry me that day?" Zayn whispered just to me.
"Do you think I'll say no?"
Zayn smiled and whispered a quick 'thanks'

Liam looked at us in a 'what??' expression.
"Calm down, Liam. We're not planning to attack anyone."

"So I've planned to take him to this new restaurant that has opened around a month ago. It's quite formal, and I happen to know the owner* smirks*. I'll make a special request for the ambience today"


" Blue green lights?"
"One Direction songs?"
"Definitely "
"Oh, before you ask him, make sure the song, little things plays"
"Of course. Anything else boys?"
"Nope, everything is settled. Ed can handle it"
"Yeah, He's just a greeat guy. I definitely owe him"
"It's time, Louis. Go get Harry"

"Is it already?? Omg... I forgot how do we drive"
"Idiot. I'll be your driver." Zayn said
"I'll be your waiter for today" Niall said."I've talked to Ed already. "
"I'll be your cameraman" Liam said.

You've Got That ONE THING- a Larry Stylinson (L.s.)Where stories live. Discover now