Ch-12(The words I never got to say the first time around✨🌈)

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larryisreal28habit1d dedicated to them cos I've gotten so emotional over their comments on this ff 🥹💙💚🫠 luv u smmm....


I woke up and it was around 3 am. I was quite practically sleeping on top of Louis. I heard his soft snores and breathing. I just knew I was so in love, just so in love. I let the beauty sleep and kissed his cheek before I slept too.


" I wanna write you a song,
One as beautiful as you are sweet..." I hear Louis whispering

"With just a hint of pain, for the feeling that I get when u are gone, I wanna write you a song" I sang along.

"Morning Haz"
"Hi Lou💚"
"Don't you think it's become quite a thing of us by waking each ither up with songs?"
"*Laughs* yeah"
"Merry Christmas, Harry"

Oh jesus! It is Christmas today! I completely forgot! 🙂

"Merry Christmas, Lou *kisses him*"
"So... Harry... It's Christmas Today and ..."
"You got me gift?"
"Yeah! How did you know?"
"I just knew😌 *winks*"
"Ok well, let's wait till the evening, I wanna Invite Ziam and Irish princess too, I want to celebrate a Christmas together, our first one 💙"
"Yeah, me too... I'll go cook something by then"

Even if I'm younger than him, he is a terrible cook and I can't just let the kitchen catch fire and the house gradually:) "

"Yes Lou?"
"They're here!!!"
"Ok love, let's go and get pur presents"

We had pit pur presents under the tree and waited while everyone had their seets.

"I'll go first! " Irish Horan said
"...... Omg!! Who got these!? Gummy bears...And a pair of sparking white shoes!!?"
"Harry got the Gummy and I got the shoes" Louis explained
"Wow!!! Thank youuu!!"

Liam gifted Zayn a bracelet, Zayn gifted him new airpods and Niall gifted Louis and me both a shirt with our photo on it. Isn't he the bestest princess in the Irish world?

"Hey Lou, open my present?"
"Yeah, I've been waiting !"

He carefully pulled off the wraping and opened 1 of the gifts.
It was a pendant, heart shaped with 'H+L' engraved on it.

"Harry ... This is so... Wonderful... I don't have words to describe it.. I... Thank you sooo much ... It's soo pretty"

I smiled and kissed him sweetly. He opened the next gift which was him and his mothers photo collage. I was unsure about it untill Louis gave me the tightest hug in the history.

"How did you like it?"
"I love it Haz, it's so thoughtful, thank you, so much"
"Don't thank me, it's nothing compared to what you give me"
"*Blushes* open my goft now?"
"Yeah! Must be the blue-green wrapper *chuckles*"

I open the wrapping and there's a watch that has 'HOME' written instead of 12 and has black stripes.
The dial is circle shaoed and on the sides it says 'Louis and Harry forever'

"Louis... This is soo beautiful.. it's wonderful.. I just don't know how to describe it.."

He wipes a tear from near my left eye.
"I thought to get something simple, but effective... I didn't know you'll like it this much"

"...Merry Christmas Lou"
"Merry Christmas Haz"
"Now kiss me you fool"

Niall and I were jamming to Best song ever

Niall and I were jamming to Best song ever

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