Ch 16(I'm Half a heart without you )

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*Louis' POV*

I felt as if I was going to die. I can't see a single person around me. It's just me, myself and I.
I know this voice...

It was her. It really was her. She was there. In front of me.
"How's Harry?"
"How'd you know?"
"Won't I know? I'm your mother"
"He's - he's perfect. I can't go back to him. I've done him so wrong. I didn't talk to him properly all this time I was away. That's just mean. He's always been the one to reach out but I always blocked him... I can't face him again"
"You can, Louis. There are times when you feel something inexpressible and you don't want to talk to anyone.. And I know Harry understands it. He's a good boy, Louis. He's your best friend, don't lose him. It's okay if you don't want to stay as boyfriend-"

"No! I want us to stay as boyfriends... H€ll I want us to get married someday..."
"Aww Louis. You should tell that to Harry. Tell everything that's on your mind."

"He won't hate me?"
"No, darling"
"What if he doesn't like the thought of marriage"
"What if he does? "
"What if-"
"Happy birthday, Louis" she smiles and started to fade.
"Mother? Mom!? Where are you going?"
"I know you'll be alright. Just close your eyes and see. I'll be by your side, anytime you're needing me"

I took a large gasp and suddenly a lot of light entered my eyes. Where was I?
"Louis?" Niall whispered
"Niall... Where are we"
"In a hospital"
"Why are we whispering"
"Look beside you"

It was the same figure with curly hair, beautiful eyes closed and a nice little body. He was sleeping in a fetal position, face towards me. His arm was over my chest.

"You both slept in each other's arms" said Niall

He still loves me, so much. I could see his eyes still a bit swollen. I'm so stupid so so stupid. I don't even want to imagine his state if I actually... if I wasn't in the hospital. I can fix it right now.

*Niall's POV*

"Who got me here?" Said Louis after knowing he was in the hospital.
"Harry did... He found you. You hurt yourself, Louis? Why? What could have happened to him? Did you even think?"

"I- I'm sorry,Niall. I'm sorry... I saw her"

He told me about the little conversation he had. I could see tears building in his eyes. He tried to fight them for a moment, but then he let go.
One tear streamed down all the way to Harry's eyes and he woke up soon after.

The tears in his boyfriend's eyes were the first thing he saw. He wiped them with his thum and rubbed the tear stains with his palm and let it rest on Louis' cheek.

"Harry- I'm Sorry"
"It's okay, Louis. I love you. Happy Birthday"

Louis kissed Harry and it felt as if the whole world of 3 lives just lit up. I could hear fireworks through the silence.

"Don't die again, please"
"I'm sorry. I won't. I love you, Harry" he hugged him. And they stayed like that untill the nurse came in. She couldn't help but stand there in awe too, because, honestly, they're the cutest couple ever.

The nurse departed Louis because he felt better and was in the state to recover at home.
"Happy Birthday, Bro"
"Wow, I thought you wouldn't wish me like, 365 more days"
"Id that's the time it would have taken Harry to say so"
"*Scoffs*.... Thanks, Bro." And he hugged me tight.
"Of course" I said in between

Later, in the afternoon, we got Louis a birthday cake, a 'welcome home' gift (which Harry insisted on) and a Birthday present.

He opened the blue-green wrapped boxes (obviously) and found 2 T-shirts in one and a journal in one.

*Louis' POV*

"OH! I know this journal"
I said and opened it.
"Whoa..." Was my first expression. It was nothing like I remember. It was decorated so beautifully. It had a few pictures of night sky lit up with stars, a few pictures of Harry and I, and a lots of, and I literally mean, a lot of words.

"Dear Louis,
I miss you. You're soo away from me, but I still love you. I'm still looking up at the stars, imagining you talking to me. Everytime I do so, I could see a hint of a twinkle in them, like your eyes.
You're always and forever mine, Boo. Nothing is strong enough to change that.


And so so many such short letters written to me.

"Y-you did remember?"
"You thought I'd forget?"

Both of us had tears brimming our eyes. Harry auddenly pulled me close and hugged me tightly.
"I've missed you so much, Louis. So much. I've been sleeping with your sweaters"
"I wasn't doing much better. I was missing half of me"
"Being here without you, felt like I'm waking upto only half a blue sky, kinda there but not quite."
"I was walking 'round with just one shoe, Harry, I'm half a half withlut you"
"I missed everything we do,Louis, I'm half a heart without you"

I sat the whole day with Harry. It had been a long time, and I missed his scent, his touch, his lips, his everything. I missed him.

"I'll not leave again, Harry. I'm sorry."
"It's okay, Louis. I'll always be here. Even if I'll have to walk through fire for you."
"What did I ever do to deserve you?"
"You could just be sleeping and I'd say 'The Angel who fell straight from Heaven is mine' "

"Get Married, Already" Niall yelled.

"Maybe someday" Harry said.

We spent the day catching up with the past years, goofed around, went for a drive and celebrated my birthday.
It was a long day for me, tiring and emotional. I entered my room and fixed the photo frame with a picture of Mum and Me.

I smiled at the picture, and sighed.
"Thanks, Mum"


HI!!!!! This time I did upload on time. Hope you all liked this chapter. It was filled with so many emotional moments. It's so close to my heart. I smiled like an idiot while writing this. It's one of the cutest things I've written.

update soon!
Vote and comment!

~AISH 💚💙

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