Part 1

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This was the worst possible scenario.

There wasn't really a scenario worse than this. Definitely not one that Choi Han could have anticipated.

He could be teleported to another world, fight alone for decades in despair, and lose everything he cared about and he'd still think that this was the absolute worst scenario possible.

A bit of an exaggeration, but cut him a bit of slack. He was in shock.

He really wished that he was wrong but those unforgettable piercing brown eyes met his own and the man who owned them greeted him politely.

His unforgettable voice, eyes, hair, face, body–a person that Choi Han could instantly recognize and yet he was supposed to meeting him for the first time.

Choi Jung Soo had chosen to bring home a friend from university. No, not just any friend, the one and only Kim Rok Soo whom Choi Jung Soo boasted as his best friend. Practically his brother.

The one who Choi Jung Soo had been talking about for ages now.

It was that Kim Rok Soo.

Choi Han would have been happy to meet him. Him, along with the rest of the family, were eager to meet the person who Choi Jung Soo considered his brother. As his uncle, Choi Han had thought it would be nice to greet him. Like meeting Choi Jung Soo's playmates when he was just a child and giving them all piggy-back rides.

This wasn't like that at all.

All the blood had drained from Choi Han's face the moment he caught sight of the long-awaited Kim Rok Soo. From head to toe, Choi Han was very familiar with his appearance.

Of course, when he'd met him, it had been at a bar and Kim Rok Soo had given him an obviously fake name.

While straddled in his lap.

Oh god, he was never going to be able to look Choi Jung Soo in the face ever again.

How did something like this happen? It wasn't like Choi Han was even the sort who was partial to momentary flings or one-night stands. He was a principled person who rarely even went to bars like that!

He'd only gone on a whim and as for Kim Rok Soo...

Well, that was what made this so much worse than anything Choi Han could have imagined as the warm greetings spread out and Kim Rok Soo was welcomed into the family home with a bubbly Choi Jung Soo at his side.

It really hadn't just been a one night stand for Choi Han. He wouldn't have slept with just anyone he met at a bar and he definitely wouldn't have done so with such rash abandon.

It was only because it was Kim Rok Soo, or 'Cale' as he'd introduced himself.

Choi Han had been drawn in, bewitched, utterly enchanted, by the simple and blunt man who felt like his fated match. A person who he'd want to spend forever with. A person who he found utterly irresistible.

Choi Han had fallen in love practically at first sight.

He wanted to see him again, any way that was possible, he just didn't want that way to be this.

How could he possibly explain any of that to his family? To Choi Jung Soo?

Oh lord, Kim Rok Soo was roughly ten years younger than him. It wasn't the age gap that Choi Han had anticipated but it wasn't like they'd talked about that sort of thing when they met. They were at a bar–Choi Han wasn't anticipating meeting or falling for anyone his nephews age!

It was one of the terrible realizations to have that his baby nephew, who he had babysat growing up, was at an age where he could go to bars and do those sorts of wild and insane things. The thought alone had Choi Han feeling dizzy.

How the hell was he supposed to cope with all of this? Everyone had already noticed he was acting strangely when he'd greeted Kim Rok Soo so stiffly.

At the very least, maybe there was some hope for this situation not to go completely to hell. Kim Rok Soo hadn't made any visible acknowledgement towards him other than the polite greeting he'd offered to all of Choi Jung Soo's family.

Kim Rok Soo's deep brown eyes had brushed past him as though he really didn't matter much at all, moving on to the next relative to greet and wearing a polite smile that didn't quite suit him.

It was a bit upsetting from the standpoint of Choi Han, who had been completely smitten with Kim Rok Soo from the moment he'd met him, to not even be recognized. But from the perspective of Choi Han, who was surrounded by most of his family and looking at his nephew's beaming face, nothing would be better than if Kim Rok Soo never recognized him.

It was a complicated feeling that put him completely on edge.

Kim Rok Soo just finished greeting Choi Jung Soo's grandmother with a polite smile and all the politeness that was due towards his seniors.

Internally, Kim Rok Soo who looked for all the world as though nothing in particular was wrong, was currently screaming at the top of his lungs on the inside.



He fucked Choi Jung Soo's uncle.


This was a disaster.

Oh god, and Choi Jung Soo's uncle definitely recognized him. The man couldn't act for shit.

What fuck was he supposed to tell Choi Jung Soo? That answer was easy at least. Absolutely fucking nothing. Deny everything and then deny it some more.

Why. Of all people. Why was that man the same one that Kim Rok Soo had met with? Why of all people was it Choi Jung Soo's beloved uncle?

Was this karma? Was it his fault because he'd snuck away before morning, not wanting to prolong the passionate encounter? Was it some sort of twisted divine punishment for having a one-night stand to begin with?

If so, he had half a mind to hunt down whatever shitty god was behind it and beat it half to death.

Would it have been better if he'd stuck around to find out? Had breakfast with Choi Han? Exchanged contact information? Or would that have made this worse?

He didn't know, he was just focused on hiding his blind panic.

Once, just once, he really lets loose and lives his night like 'trash'.

Just once.

And this is the punishment?

He was never listening to that guy's advice ever again!

The internal screaming only grew louder as Kim Rok Soo tried in vain not to feel the prickle of Choi Han's gaze.

Ah, this was a fucking disaster.

How the fuck was he going to stand spending a week at the Choi family home?

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