Part 6

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[oh wow ur a bigger fuck up than i am, congrats lmfao]

He really could always look to Cale for support in these matters. Why did he keep updating the bastard? Kim Rok Soo would put money down on the idea that Cale had made some popcorn to enjoy the disaster that was Kim Rok Soo's life now.

[how'd he react anyway?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣]

He sort of hated Cale Henituse.

[He didn't]

So he didn't specify further, letting Cale reach his own conclusions as he abandoned his phone and headed for the shower with a deep frown.

Choi Jung Soo definitely saw them.

Sure, Kim Rok Soo had changed the kiss into a headbutt in his blind panic and now he was sporting a matching red bruise on his forehead with Choi Han and all the focus had gone towards getting them ice packs and introducing the concept of taking breaks and then there was lunch and oh wow, look at the time go by, it's time for card games with grandma and it's bedtime now! See you tomorrow, Rok Soo!

But Choi Jung Soo definitely saw it.

How could he not? Choi Han and Kim Rok Soo had been within full view of the door and even if the angle had been ambiguous, which it hadn't, the highly suspicious way that the pair had reacted would have tipped off anyone with a brain.

Choi Jung Soo did have a brain, right?

He definitely saw Kim Rok Soo kissing his uncle and then headbutt that same uncle.

So why hadn't Choi Jung Soo said anything?

Choi Han wasn't any help either. He'd looked a bit dazed and then his stiff acting had just about guaranteed that even if Choi Jung Soo had gone momentarily blind he'd know that something happened between them.

And Choi Jung Soo was a nosy bastard too. That was the whole reason Kim Rok Soo was even here. His nosy punk of a best friend had dragged him to the countryside for a birthday because he just couldn't let things be and he'd nosed his way into Kim Rok Soo's personal affairs.

How the hell would someone as nosy as Choi Jung Soo not be currently questioning Kim Rok Soo about what happened in the training area?

There was only one explanation that Kim Rok Soo could think of as he turned on the hot water and hoped that the feel of the shower would ease his headache.

Choi Jung Soo already knew.

Maybe not everything, but he knew something. He already knew there was something weird going on between Kim Rok Soo and Choi Han.

Kim Rok Soo groaned, resting his head on the cool wall and tried not to let his headache get worse from his swirling thoughts.

Did that mean that Choi Jung Soo was waiting for them to come clean? Or was he planning a confrontation?

Just what the hell was going on?

He turned off the water, changing into a clean pair of clothes and heading back to the guest room.

Where he promptly had a fucking heartattack.

Choi Jung Soo was hanging out inside, a carefree expression on his face and Kim Rok Soo's phone buzzing in his hands

"What the hell–"

Choi Jung Soo looked up, waving with a grin. "Rok Soo! What'd you say to this guy? He will not stop texting you." He waved the phone for Kim Rok Soo to see, it was still locked but anyone could clearly see the message previews. "I was trying to ignore it but wow, your phone was buzzing so much I thought that someone was calling you!"

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