Part 3

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Choi Han's lips were insistent and possessive.

Kim Rok Soo didn't mind, it balanced him nicely against Choi Han's muscular body, legs wrapped around his waist while the man pressed him up against the wall.

It also helped to muffle the sounds they were both making, which would surely cause a stir if anyone else could hear.

How the hell had his 'simple talk' gone this wrong?

Kim Rok Soo honestly couldn't give two fucks about that right now. He let out a needy groan, rotating his hips so that he could feel Choi Han's rock hard length between the clothes keeping them apart.

That needed to change. Quickly. He really wanted more and impatiently so.

Choi Han let out a low groan against his lips and Kim Rok Soo knew that the feeling was mutual.

They were supposed to be deescalating the situation.

They were supposed to be establishing appropriate boundaries between them because this whole thing between them was just a really, really bad at idea from the very start.

Choi Han trailed biting kisses down Kim Rok Soo's neck, Kim Rok Soo's hands tangled up in his hair as low panting moans were barely stifled with the use of self control.

Maybe he could have chosen his words better?

Kim Rok Soo wasn't even sure what he'd said now that he was wrapped up in Choi Han's arms, his normally ceaseless thoughts going blank with nothing but vague machinations to have more, harder, and now.

"Choi Han–" His breathy moan only caused Choi Han to let out an honest to god growl as the man's clothed cock rutted up against him. "Please–"

The addicting little biting kisses along his neck stopped and Choi Han lifted his gaze, burning onyx eyes full of all sorts of things as he pressed his forehead against Kim Rok Soo's. "...are you sure?"

He was giving him an out. They could still walk away. Awkwardly and with a lot of odd feelings but Kim Rok Soo only had to say the word and Choi Han would put him down.

They shouldn't continue.

His original intention in coming here was the right answer. They shouldn't do this. Shouldn't want one another or reach for one another.

And really, what was the motivation for taking such a risk? One night that couldn't have meant all that much to either of them?

What did they really know about each other?

Kim Rok Soo knew all of this. He knew what the correct answer was and what he should be saying.

He also knew that when he'd come to Choi Han's room in the middle of the night with a plan to put an end to things, he'd sort of hoped for this.

He knew that he might have picked words that provoked Choi Han on purpose.

Knew that if Choi Han hadn't responded to his provocation, he would have walked away and put an end to this like he was supposed to.

"...don't make me say something so obvious." Kim Rok Soo stole Choi Han's lips in a greedy kiss, rolling his hips against Choi Han and eliciting another delicious pleasured moan.

He was doing the wrong thing for all of the wrong reasons and he couldn't stop himself if he tried.

Choi Han returned his kiss with just as much enthusiasm. Freeing up their cocks with his nimble hands and allowing them to grind up against each other directly.

Fuck, it felt so good to feel Choi Han against him like this. Kim Rok Soo lost himself in the kiss, the hedonistic pleasure of the moment, and his own desires. The way that Choi Han rocked up against him made him want to take this so much farther but that was a level of inadvisability he knew he had to restrain himself from.

He knew from experience that if they went much further than this, not only would it become impossible to keep this little affair silent but he'd hardly be able to walk the following day.

Choi Han was a deeply satisfying lover.

Kim Rok Soo let out another muffled moan as Choi Han increased the pace, grinding up against him with so much intensity that Kim Rok Soo wanted to say fuck it to all of his reservations and open up his thighs for him.

"It's nice to know your real name this time, Kim Rok Soo." Choi Han teased a bit cruelly, nipping his lower lip and looking into his eyes with such a deep hunger.

Kim Rok Soo laughed awkwardly, the sound morphing into yet another moan as Choi Han brought them to their limits. His legs around Choi Han's waist felt weak but he knew he wouldn't drop with Choi Han holding him in place.

The muscles really weren't just for show.

"I didn't think we'd–ah–meet again." Kim Rok Soo explained weakly.

"You're the one who decided that." Choi Han pointed out, his own face contorting with pleasure as the sex reached it's peak. He pressed Kim Rok Soo against the wall in a possessive and demanding kiss that successfully muted their voices.

Even after the intensity of the orgasm had passed, they were still kissing. Kim Rok Soo's arms around his neck and Choi Han taking his time to explore every inch of his mouth with a disastrous intensity.

Kim Rok Soo could really get used to being kissed like this. To being held so tightly and pleasured so thoroughly.

He sort of wanted more.

He'd at least reached the level of sense to know that really wasn't an option though.

They were already covered in each other's cum and making out in Choi Han's room. This was already way over the line.

Choi Han eventually pulled away, resting his forehead on Kim Rok Soo's again as he searched for an answer to why.

Kim Rok Soo sort of wished he had that answer too.

This was irresponsible and reckless of them both but god had it felt good.

"...why'd you leave before I woke up?"

Damn. He was hoping that Choi Han would let that little bit go. Kim Rok Soo looked away awkwardly. "It was a one night stand. Was I supposed to stay?"

The words were designed to be hurtful. To draw a line between them. A really pointless line, all things considered.

Choi Han frowned but accepted the answer.

He couldn't understand it.

If Kim Rok Soo wanted him too, which was clearly evident from their little tryst just now, why did he leave that first night? Why was he drawing lines in the sand even now?

Was it really just sex for him?

The idea hurt more than Choi Han expected it to.

Kim Rok Soo was right. There wasn't anything real between them and besides that, given their current circumstances, it wasn't like anything real could or should grow.

"I see."

Choi Han lowered him to the ground gently, putting some physical distance between them as he fixed his clothes. He took a look at the white staining Kim Rok Soo's shirt and winced. "You can borrow some of my clothes, if you'd like."

Kim Rok Soo accepted the offer, looking hilariously unsuited for the oversized shirt but neither of them were in the mood to joke about it.

It was an awkward goodbye as they parted for the evening.

Choi Han sank to the ground when Kim Rok Soo left, holding his head with a mountain of conflicting emotions exploding inside of him.

He had no way of knowing that Kim Rok Soo did much the same when he got back to the safety of the guestroom.

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