Part 4

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[lol wut]

Did he expect anything better from Cale fucking Henituse?

Kim Rok Soo was very tempted to throw his phone. And then himself out a window.

He was trash. Garbage. Worse than even Cale, and that really was saying a lot considering the amount of property damage that man had accrued over only the last few months alone.

He'd sunk to the absolute lowest dredges of humanity.

It was one thing to have an ill advised rendezvous with Choi Jung Soo's uncle without knowing the mans identity. That was practically forgivable. In fact, now that he thought about, if he'd just explained the situation to Choi Jung Soo it probably wouldn't have been that big of a deal.

It was a whole other thing to sneak into the mans room in the dead of night and do it all over again, knowing who he was and inside of the Choi family home.

How had he made the situation just so much worse?

This was Cale's fault.

This would have never happened if he hadn't listened to Cale's absolutely terrible advice.

Why did he ever listen to that man? Was he mad? Was he an idiot? He was an idiot.

Cale was a giant stupid idiot and Kim Rok Soo was the biggest fool at all for listening to him.

His discarded phone was buzzing, likely with Cale's questions and mocking comments about his foolish indiscretions.

One day Kim Rok Soo was going to cut off his friendship with Cale and just never talk to him ever again.

For now, he was struggling with waking up.

Morning had come way too soon after a sleepless night and he did not have the courage to face the Choi family. Especially not Choi Jung Soo.

There was a friendly knock on the door along with a cheerful. "Morning, Rok Soo!"

Lord, what had he done to deserve such an exquisitely agonizing torture? Well, he'd done a lot of things. So many, many things. And he'd pretty much caused this situation with his own hands and hips and–

The point is that he didn't deserve this even if he'd done a lot of stupid shit to get here.

He glanced at the most recent message from Cale and frowned.

[lmfaoooooo you're fucked]

Truly. He had a friend in Cale Henituse.

He let out a sigh, ignoring Choi Jung Soo's persistent knocking and nagging. Choi Jung Soo didn't seem to mind at all, he was well used to Kim Rok Soo's morning lethargy. Of course, he had no idea of the more villainous reasons for that same lethargy to exist today.

"...what do you want?" Kim Rok Soo asked when he'd finally lumbered over to the door, glaring at his close friends beaming face.

"It's time for breakfast!" He exclaimed cheerfully. "We all have it together as a family! C'mon, Rok Soo! You're not getting out of this."

Misreading Kim Rok Soo's hesitance as his normal awkwardness, Choi Jung Soo practically dragged the man from his room.

Kim Rok Soo had just about enough time to consider the inadvisability of leaving his room in the oversized shirt that he had yet to change out of.


It was just a black black t-shirt. No one would recognize it was Choi Han's, right?


Why hadn't he just changed out of it when he had the chance? He should have shed it the moment he'd returned to his room to remove any evidence.


Was Choi Han going to be at breakfast?


He was feeling a really uniquely new form of guilt as Choi Jung Soo happily and innocently described family breakfast. Choi Jung Soo had wanted to welcome him in as part of the family but not like this.


He was a shitty best friend. Choi Jung Soo had invited him into his home to meet his family and he'd only been able to think with his libido and he was a terrible friend and Choi Jung Soo could never know and what was he thinking


Why was Choi Han looking at him so openly? Did this man not understand how to behave inconspicuously? Was he trying to broadcast to the entire breakfast table just how intense their relationship was? Why wasn't he looking away?


Kim Rok Soo looked away hurriedly, realizing belatedly that he'd been staring too. Luckily, Choi Jung Soo was apparently too busy chirping away about how great the day was going to be so he probably hopefully hadn't noticed Kim Rok Soo's prolonged staring session with his uncle.

This truly was a whole new category of awkward that appeared to have been invented with the sole purpose of making Kim Rok Soo suffer.

"--sounds like fun, right?"

"Yeah, sure."

Kim Rok Soo regretted his words immediately, the way that Choi Jung Soo was smiling just screamed that the man had taken full advantage of his shifted focus to suggest something that Kim Rok Soo would never agree to normally.

"Great!" Choi Jung Soo slung a friendly arm over his shoulder, grinning from ear to ear. "We'll get started after breakfast?"

Kim Rok Soo let out a long suffering sigh, meeting Choi Jung Soo's playful gaze with his own miserable one. "...what did I agree to?"

Choi Jung Soo wasn't surprised in the least to learn that, as suspected, Kim Rok Soo had been spacing out rather than listening. "You're going to join me and Han Hyung for sword training after breakfast!"

"...oh. Of course it's that."

Hell had a name and it was the Choi family home.

Kim Rok Soo's eyes briefly lifted to catch Choi Han's. Of course the man was still staring at him like a complete and utter idiot.

Did the punk look a bit smug? Kim Rok Soo frowned and looked away. What the hell did Choi Han have to look smug about?

Ah, Choi Jung Soo really did have a good sense for the worst possible scenarios possible. Kim Rok Soo sank down in his seat, allowing the various aunties to fill his plate far beyond a level he could physically eat and attempting polite conversation through it all.

He really did like the Choi family. If not for the entire Choi Han situation, he'd probably be having the time of his life. They were kind and giving and just as kind as Choi Jung Soo himself.

The trouble wasn't that Kim Rok Soo didn't like the Choi family.

It was that he liked one member in particular a bit too much.

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