Part 2

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Calm down.

That was the key to handling this situation. Kim Rok Soo was sure about that. He'd need to calm down and collect himself and not ever let his current thoughts be seen.

The day had been exhausting. The entire Choi clan were just as lovable as Choi Jung Soo, making it all the more obvious that Choi Jung Soo's thoughtless kindness really was a genetic trait and wow, this inviting family had really invited him in with their whole chest.

Showing him around and cooking a grand dinner and treating him like he was another relative home for a visit.

It was the sort of warm family welcome that Kim Rok Soo had never really had in his life.

That was the whole point of this trip. Choi Jung Soo had gotten it into his head that Kim Rok Soo needed to experience celebrating his birthday as a family and he'd insisted on taking Kim Rok Soo home with him so that he could experience just that.

They'd even taken a few days off from university. Choi Jung Soo was a really unmovable force when he put his mind to something.

Kim Rok Soo was grateful that his friend cared about him so much. It was nice to really feel like he was someone's family.

It was was great to see the place that Choi Jung Soo had grown up and meet all these friendly people who welcomed him in without a care in the world.

He wanted to enjoy it wholeheartedly and embrace his brief vacation.

Why, of all people, did it have to be him?

Kim Rok Soo didn't have a long list of sexual exploits in his life. Maybe it was due to his difficulty growing close to other people or maybe it was because he'd always had other priorities that just seemed so much more important.

It was difficult to focus on things like crushes when you were desperately working three part time jobs and juggling school just to attain a stable life.

He wasn't an unrealistic person. He knew that stability was about the highest grade of comfort he could ever realistically attain given his background and financial situation. Perhaps if he'd been raised in a large and loving family like Choi Jung Soo or had a golden spoon in his mouth like some of his better off friends.

Really, his best bet to really escape poverty was to marry rich but Kim Rok Soo wasn't the sort of person who would use another person for their money. Well, at the very least, he was enough of a selfish person that he didn't want to marry a person just for a reason like that.

It wasn't to say that Roksu had no experience in romance or sex, it was just that he didn't have much and the little he did have wasn't all that meaningful to him.

With one singular exception that is.

Kim Rok Soo groaned and hid his face in the pillow, grateful that the Choi family had provided him with a private guestroom. He really needed some time to be alone with his thoughts.

It really wasn't anything as grand as 'love at first sight' or as interesting as 'the best night he'd ever had'.

It was just that there had been something... special about Choi Han.

So special that it had scared Kim Rok Soo. That's why he'd snuck away before morning.

That was why when he'd gone to that same bar about a week later, he hadn't been able to stop himself from looking for Choi Han.

So much so that he'd thought about that night more than once and wondered if he should have stuck around until morning.

What a ridiculously insane feeling. Kim Rok Soo had dismissed it outright and refocused his life on the things that really mattered. His jobs, his grades, his friends.

He tried very hard to forget about Choi Han completely.

Kim Rok Soo pulled out his phone, shooting a venomous text towards the person he blamed for all of this bullshit. None of this would have happened if not for that stupid bastard.

[I hate you]

The reply came back quickly.

[The fuck did I do?]

Kim Rok Soo sighed, admitting to himself that he just wanted someone to vent to. Someone who didn't know Choi Jung Soo and so could never tell him.

[You told me to go to that damn bar and get laid you fucker]

[???????? you said it went well? that was forever ago?????? The fuck????????]

[I fucked my best friends uncle]

There was silence on the other end for a long time. Kim Rok Soo was absolutely positive that the bastard was laughing at him.

He shouldn't have reached out, this was a mistake.

Cale Henituse was the definition of trash. A rich and reckless youth who was studying abroad on his parents' dime. He paid no attention to his classes and caused a ruckus wherever he went. How Kim Rok Soo had become acquainted with the obnoxious bastard was still a mystery to him but he was Kim Rok Soo's only friend aside from Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo.

Therefore the only person he could tell.

[how is that my fault? Also lmfao was he hot?]

[I hate you]

There was another delay before Cale sent in a text, an uncharacteristically serious undertone to it. [u okay?]

[Im fine. I dont know what the fuck to do tho. He definitely recognized me]

[talk to him then]

Kim Rok Soo stared at the phone like it'd grown a head and started serenading him.

[What kind of advice is that?? Its awkward enough as it is]

[u said you're going to be there all week, right? You cant avoid him the whole time. Ur both adults, im sure he doesnt want his nephew knowing either. Talk it out, what oculd go wrong?]

Cale made a point. A stupid, stupid point.

Kim Rok Soo groaned and set aside his phone, deciding to take his time before replying if he chose to do so at all.

...should he do just that? Thinking about it rationally, it would be just as awkward for Choi Han. There was no way he'd be happy to see his one night stand being welcomed by his family like this.

They could just have a quick conversation. Agree to forget all about that eventful night and then Kim Rok Soo could focus on enjoying his vacation.

Yeah. Cale was right. What could go wrong?

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